Page 56 of Losing Control

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She smiled and sent a text back to him, letting him know she received it and that his absence wasn't a big deal. After it was sent, she switched over to her voicemail. After just a few seconds, she realized it was Corbus, and her heart plummeted.

"Hey...Uh, you know how much I hate normal phone calls, so I'm sorry if I sound pretty awkward right now." He laughed nervously, which made Mykie bite her lip before she laughed too. "Things have been a little awkward, to say the least. Caspar and Renly are at each other's throats and Blaine hasn't stepped in to stop either one of them. Renly tried to say something about you, but Caspar wouldn’t let him. Did something happen? Could...Could you call me back, maybe? Video chat, even? At the very least, I want to see you again, even if something happened."

The voicemail ended, and she sighed. This was exactly what she was trying to avoid. Causing discord within their group was the last thing she wanted to happen, especially after she announced her intentions to them.

Her finger hovered over the 'call' button, but she shook her head. Not now. If she tried to explain herself, and he believed what she was saying, she was risking causing more problems between the boys. Even worse, he might not believe her at all.

She tossed her phone onto her bed and decided that she should quit wallowing in her room. She stepped out of her comfort zone for too long that it was about time to step back into her private bubble, even just for one evening. When she stepped out of her room and into the living room, a small smile graced her lips as she spotted the tops of Jezebeth and Dexter's heads.

Currently, they were sitting on the floor on either side of the coffee table, a game of Monopoly already set up between them.

"Ah-ha! Pay up, Dexxie!" Jezebeth cackled. "You're making this too easy."

"All right, all right. No need to gloat," he murmured, handing the paper money over to her with visible reluctance.

"Oh, so you just give in with her, but you threaten to quit on me when I beat you at games? How is that fair?" Mykie huffed with a mock-angry expression as she came over and plopped down on the couch behind Dexter.

"You don't take it personally," he murmured distractedly as Jezebeth rolled the dice on the board.

"I might. Maybe that's why you like playing with Noah so much. He's a better sport than I am, and he doesn't pitch as much of a fit when things don't work in his favor. How is he doing, by the way?" Mykie asked. She tried to keep her voice as level and mildly interested as possible.

"Yeah. He wasn't a half-bad guy when we met. How is he, Dex?" Jezebeth rolled a six, which was just enough to push her past the group of hotels that were Dexter's color.

"I wouldn't know. I haven't had a lot of time to socialize in the last few weeks," he said in a tight voice. He rolled the dice and got a two. He moved his character and handed Jezebeth the required four dollars for landing on her space.

Mykie knew she was treading on thin ice at the moment, but she pressed forward. He might not like it, but there would be no progress one way or another if she didn't push him. He would do it to her, too.

"Is that so? Noah came by asking how you were doing. He was really worried about you, but he didn't want to bother you if you were focused on an assignment or something else equally important," Mykie explained pointedly.


"That's so sweet of him!" Jezebeth gushed, interrupting Dexter in the process. She rolled the dice and got a three, which meant that she had to pay Dexter two dollars. "I took up a lot of your time lately. Why don't you hang out with him this week coming? You need some guy time."

"That's an amazing idea," Mykie said. She stood up from the couch and headed for the kitchen. "Did you guys cook dinner, or did you order out?"

"I have a brilliant idea." Jezebeth jumped up from where she was sitting on the floor, making Mykie stop in her tracks and turn around. "Why don't you invite Noah over tonight for dinner? We can all have a game night after, just like old times, plus Noah!"

"But did you make something or...?" Mykie trailed off, waiting for the answer to her initial question.

"You were asleep, so I didn't know what you might have wanted for dinner. Want to just call for a pizza?" Jezebeth asked.

"If Noah agrees, then sure. I'll have him pick it up on his way over. Do you want to ask him, Dex?" Mykie asked, turning her head to her now glaring friend.

"Sure. I'll get right on that," he said, pulling out his phone. He didn't look pleased with her whatsoever, but she couldn't help but grin.

"Oh, make sure to tell him to not put a lot of toppings. I'm open to a lot of things, but in this instance, I’m feeling a little choosy, aren’t you?”

She sent him a toothy smile when he glowered in her direction. She promised herself that she would stop then, not willing to risk pushing him too far. They hadn’t had enough time together lately, and she didn’t want to risk him leaving.

While they waited for Noah, Jezebeth continued to kick Dexter's butt at the game. Whether that was because she was better at strategizing at the beginning of the game or Dexter was distracted, Mykie wasn't sure.

Mykie, on the other hand, watched over Dexter's shoulder as she waited for Noah to arrive with bated breath. She didn't have to wait long, either, as there was a knock at her door about twenty minutes later.

Jezebeth started to get up, as she was the closest to the door, but Mykie waved her off. "Continue your game."

Mykie unlocked the front door and opened it wide. He was covered in snow from head to toe, but his sunglasses were still atop his head like it was a summer day outside. In his hands were two pizza boxes and a Styrofoam box on top. "Hey, Noah. Come right in."

"Uh. Could you take this stuff while I get my shoes off?" he asked as he stepped inside. Mykie closed the door behind him before stepping out of his way.

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