Page 45 of Losing Control

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No one answered.

Fear spiked in her chest. Why wasn't anyone home?

She took a few deep breaths as she closed Blaine's door again. There had to be an explanation that she just didn't know yet. She'd only make it worse if she left and went searching for them.

She sat down on the couch facing the fireplace, which was unlit. She'd wait for them to come back, and then she'd be able to see Renly and explain what happened to him.

She didn't know how long passed before Caspar came in the front door.

"I'm going to go lay down. Care to join me?" he asked.

She shook her head. "No, I should wait here."

Caspar didn't say anything as he maneuvered himself to his bedroom.

After a half an hour of sitting rigidly on the couch, she laid down and stared up at the ceiling. She wanted to go and find everyone, but it would only make things chaotic. However, she couldn't shake the feeling that it was a big mistake to sit idly while Renly was nowhere to be found.


Mykie’s phone vibrated against her chest, making her jump. She looked around, momentarily forgetting where she was at the moment. The leather couch under her, along with the crackling fire across from her told her she was at Renly's.

She couldn't remember the fireplace being lit before she fell to sleep and jumped up from the couch. Maybe it meant someone had come home?

“Renly? Blaine? Anyone home?” she called out.

She wasn't sure when it stopped before, but her phone started vibrating to life again on the couch cushion with an incoming call.

She didn’t check the Caller ID before she picked up the phone.

"Hello?" she said tentatively.

She heard yelling and high-pitched voices on the other side of the phone, but it sounded far away from the speaker, so she suspected it wasn't the caller who was making all the noise.

"Is someone there?" she repeated.

"I need your help." Caspar's voice came over the line, making her clench the phone tighter to her ear. His voice was shaky, and he spoke in almost a whisper into the phone.

"What happened? Aren’t you here with me?” Mykie rushed over to Caspar’s bedroom door and whipped it open. Empty.

“I should have probably told you, but I didn’t want to wake you. You had too rough of a morning.”

“Caspar, you’re not going to ever bother me. Where are you? Tell me how to get to you," she barked harshly.

"It's a half an hour from Pearl's, 93 Wren Street. Please…" he whispered into the phone. "Pleasebe careful when you arrive. She doesn’t know what she’s doing."

She clenched her free hand as closed her eyes. "I'll be there as soon as I can be. Stay safe."

“Wait,” Caspar said just as she was about to hang up the phone.


“I’m really sorry, Mykie.”

Assuring herself that he sounded safe for the moment, she hung up the phone. She was partly glad that she was in such a rush to search for the other boys before, as she didn't take her shoes off when she came in the door nor when she sat down on the couch.

She grabbed her bag, which was laying in front of the couch, and moved out the door to jump into her car. She only waited a minute after it started before she did a “U”-turn and drove down what she deemed “Harper Hill”, as it was the only house atop it for miles. Once she reached the bottom, she stopped to type the address Caspar gave into her GPS.

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