Page 30 of Losing Control

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She was whipped around and pressed backward against the wall, knocking the wind out of her for a moment. She looked up at her attacker.

"You," she hissed out once she caught her breath.

"Nice to see you again," the Red Devil murmured. "I wish it was under better circumstances, however."

"What do you want?" Mykie snapped. "Have you been following me?"

"No, silly goose," he said in a voice usually used for a young child. "There are more important things out there than you. I just happened to see you and thought, 'Hey, why don't I stop my new friend?'."

"I don't think you just saw me. You've been following me," she hissed.

"No, I've been following your boyfriend. See the difference?" he asked.

"Leave him alone. He's got nothing to do with Chance," she commanded. She fought against his hold on her, but it was no use as he pressed down on her injured shoulder more firmly.

"I see you haven't stayed away from the Harpers." He tsked as he pressed his thumb further into her wound, causing her breath to hitch. "You're not a very good listener."

"Let go of me," she hissed.

"Not as tough as people say you are, ay? You know, while I have you here, I should pass on a message from the Vulture King and save myself a trip to your bar. He said to tell you that he's not very happy with you and he's not going to ask you again nicely to stay far away from the Harpers. Last chance to do what you’re told."

He grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her away from the wall before he slammed her head back against the concrete wall. It sent stars to her eyes instantly and the pain pounded in her head. The Vulture let go of her then, and she couldn't help but let her legs collapse under her as her vision started to spin.

She heard him chuckle. “That was just for my own entertainment.”

If it wasn't for her head and the fact that she was weaponless, she thought she might have gone after the Vulture. She tried to push herself off the ground, but it was to no avail except for making the Vulture laugh at her.

"I'll let the boss know you send your sweetest regards and you'll be a good girl from now on," he said before he walked away from her.

She sat back against the wall and closed her eyes, so her vision didn't swim. She thought that maybe if she gave her head a second, she'd be able to get up and find him. Bide her time, and she'd go after him.

She cursed herself for not trying harder to keep a weapon on her, despite the metal detectors, and allowing the pain in her shoulder to cloud her judgment. She might have reacted faster, and she wouldn't have let the fear that was brought on by his message from his king consume her as much.

"Mykie?" she heard a familiar voice ask. She heard the footsteps grow closer and she panicked. She opened her eyes and stared up at Blaine, who had squatted down by now to her level.

"What are you doing?" she groaned.

"Take this," he said, holding out a bottle of water and a few pills. "You look like you're in pain."

She took the accepted items with reluctance but used both of them after only a moment's thought.

"Where's your bag?" he asked, his head swiveling left and right as he looked in the immediate vicinity of her.

She held up the hand that she had held the pills in and pointed across the hallway. Blaine looked over his shoulder, he must have spotted the brown satchel as he stood back up and went over to grab it.

She closed her eyes for a second, but it must have been longer because Blaine had crossed back over to her side of the hallway, and he had a shopping bag with him. Did he have that already, or was she out of it for long enough that he was able to go shopping?

"I don't think you've got a concussion, but I should check," she heard him mutter under his breath. He spoke much louder next time as he addressed her specifically. "Can you follow my finger with just your eyes, Mykie?"

She nodded slowly and winced. "Don't nod right now. It'll hurt, even if you don't have one."

She resisted nodded this time, and she opened her eyes as wide as she could as he held his finger in front of her face. It wasn't too hard for her to follow his finger, but she squinted when he pulled a pocket flashlight out to inspect her eyes while he did it, or so he explained.

After almost a minute, he turned the flashlight off and slid it back into his pocket. "You don't look like you're concussed. If anything, you might have a bad migraine. Here," he said, forcing the mall bag into her lap. "This should be enough of an excuse for when you meet up with Renly again. I'm sure you don't want to tell Renly about this."

She almost shook her head before she stopped herself. "No. He wouldn't understand."

He stood up and held his hand out to her. "Ready to stand up and get going?"

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