Page 44 of Deadly Obsession

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Denying his mate tasted bitter on Jack’s tongue. He wanted to shout at James that he loved Mendez, that the guy was the only one for him, but he wasn’t dumb enough to antagonize an unstable guy.

Guess it wasn’t Henry. No shit.

James snarled as he lunged for Jack, but Jack jumped out of the way, putting the chair between them. He wasn’t sure what to say. James was going to believe whatever he wanted to believe, and nothing Jack said was going to change his mind.

His phone rang, blaring through the suite. It was in his back pocket, but Jack knew not to reach for it.

“I sent you so many letters.” James stopped and looked down at the floor. “I told you how your songs were meant for me, how they described my life.” He fisted his hands at his sides. “But you ignored me like I was nothing to you.”

His phone began to ring again.

“Turn it off!”

Jack held up his hands, palms out. “Okay. I need to take it out of my pocket to do that.”

James watched him closely as Jack pulled his phone out. Instead of turning it off, he hit the green button then tossed his phone to the side, where it slid across the top of the bar.

“You don’t have to do this, James,” Jack said quickly before whoever was on the phone spoke, letting James know he hadn’t done as the man demanded. “I never got your letters, James. I swear.”

“I sent them to your house,” James snapped.

“And I was away on tour. Then I was in Vegas. After that, I went home to visit family.”

James bit his bottom lip. “You never got my letters?”

“No.” Jack wanted to vomit. It was James who’d broken into his house and trashed his home studio in a fit of rage, probably because Jack wasn’t there. Thank fuck he hadn’t been. He didn’t want to think what would have happened if he were.

That probably also explained why the security company hadn’t found anyone on the footage. James was a bodyguard and possibly had the skills to circumvent the cameras. If Jack lived through this, he was going to find a way to make them tamper proof.

“You should have gotten them.” James clenched his jaw. “Those weren’t meant for anyone else.”

Jack forced himself not to look toward the door. James wasn’t facing the door, and he didn’t see that Mendez was stirring. All Jack had to do was keep James talking until Mendez was on his feet.

James didn’t wait. He used Jack’s distraction to lunge again, this time grabbing his arm. He yanked Jack over the chair as Mendez staggered to his feet. Jack shoved at James’s chest then cocked his arm back and slammed his fist into the guy’s jaw.

James took a step back, shook his head as if shaking off the punch, then snarled. Jack grabbed the lamp close to him, ready to smash it over James’s head, but a wolf leapt over the couch and took the guy down.

Jack swung his head away, closing his eyes at the sound of crunching bones. Fuck, he really was going to be sick. Then he heard heavy footsteps coming down the hallway outside.

“Mendez, you’ve got to change back!”

Mendez shifted and rushed to the bathroom. Jack was in a slight daze. He’d never seen his mate change into a wolf, and it had been spectacular. Not the part where he ripped out James’s throat but everything else. He’d been beautiful, large and black and white.

When they were alone again, Jack wanted to see the shift again.

He grabbed the lamp and shattered it, holding a large, jagged piece of glass as Mendez returned, no blood on his lower jaw and fully dressed. Just as the door busted open, Mendez grabbed the piece of glass from Jack.

Huck and five security guys rushed into the room, a few guns drawn. They weren’t from the same firm where Mendez worked. Jack knew that much. It was a company that had been vying for a contract with Huck since Huck managed more than just Jack. From what his manager told him, he had been testing them out to see if they were up to snuff.

Clearly they weren’t. Jack was going to tell Huck he needed to stick with Driscoll Security. Fuck the competition.

“What security firm hires a goddamn psycho!” Jack stormed over to Huck. He didn’t have to feign outrage. Jack was already there. “James is my crazed fan!”

Huck moved toward the couch, looked over it, then turned his head, appearing a little green. “I heard the conversation.” He pressed the back of his hand to his mouth. “What the hell happened?”

“He attacked, we fought, and I took him down,” Mendez said.

Jack looked over his shoulder and blinked several times when he saw blood on the piece of glass. He hadn’t even thought to do that. Damn, Mendez was quick on his feet.
