Page 38 of Deadly Obsession

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“Stay.” His heart thumped like crazy, but Jack really did want Mendez with him. He was afraid to face his doctor alone. He truly believed mating the guy had worked, because he wasn’t exhausted all the time, his body didn’t hurt, and his thirst wasn’t a problem. But on the off chance that it hadn’t worked, Jack would need the moral support.

Mendez nodded and took a seat next to Jack’s chair. Jack grabbed his folded clothes and slid them back on, tossing aside the gown. He felt much better without his butt exposed, more like himself in his own clothes.

As soon as he was done tying his shoes, Dr. Pratt walked in. He glanced between them and frowned.

“I’m sure you’re quite safe in this room, Jack.”

Jack looked over at Mendez and almost laughed. The guy had his arms crossed over his impressive chest and was wearing a glower. Mendez always wore that damn glower when they were in public. A look that said he’d kill anyone, without hesitation, if they even thought of getting near Jack.

“I wanted him in here.” Jack took a deep breath, his insides rioting, his heart nearly giving out, and sweat beading on his brows as he rested his hand on Mendez’s thigh. Had the room grown hotter? Jack was lightheaded as hell. He was actually stunned that he’d been the one to make the move, to swallow his fear because Mendez was too important to him.

Dr. Pratt looked at where Jack’s hand rested, and understanding dawned in his eyes. “Very well. I’ve got your tests results. I have to say, it’s remarkable because they’re completely different from your previous results. I’m not sure what happened, but there’s no sign of cancer, Jack.”

Jack nearly collapsed. Mendez rested his hands over Jack’s and gave it a light squeeze. Relief washed over him, and he had to fight back tears of joy. “Are you sure?”

Dr. Pratt nodded, seeming unfazed that Jack and Mendez were now holding hands. “Quite sure. The results from Dr. Chastine are conclusive to his findings. There had to be some kind of mix-up, though I’m not doubting he’s an excellent doctor.” Dr. Pratt turned fully in his chair to face them. “I’ll have the lab run the results again, double-checking the tests just to err on the side of caution, but there are no markers to indicate you have cancer.”

To Jack’s surprise, and embarrassment, Mendez leaned over and kissed him on the jaw. “Told you there wasn’t anything to worry about.”

Jack cut his eyes to Dr. Pratt, but the young doctor was smiling. “Your partner is right, but it was very important, and wise, to do a follow-up.”

Partner. Jack’s stomach did flips. That was the first time anyone besides McKenna acknowledged Jack was gay, and he wouldn’t deny that he was terrified.

But it also felt freeing.

“I want to schedule you to see me in a few weeks so we can run the tests again, just to be safe.” Dr. Pratt reached into the pocket of his lab coat and grabbed a card. He looked at them. “When is your next concert?”

“In two weeks,” Jack said. “About…um…” He glanced at their entwined fingers before looking back at his doctor.

Dr. Pratt frowned, then he grinned. “What happens in this room stays in this room. I don’t care who you date, but I assure you my lips are sealed.”

A rush of air left Jack’s lungs.

“Not to get personal, but I’m going to because I’m your doctor, but you two are practicing safe sex, correct?”

Jack wished a hole would open up and swallow him. He’d never been so mortified in his life. He wanted to grab the doctor’s words out of the air and shove them back into the guy’s mouth.

Mendez was softly laughing beside him because Jack just knew his face was on fire. “Yeah, we are,” Mendez said.

Dr. Pratt chuckled. “Great, and, Jack, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. You two are consenting adults. I just want to make sure you both stay healthy.”

“Thanks.” Jack couldn’t meet the man’s eyes. “I’ll have my personal assistant send me my itinerary so I know when I can schedule to come back.”

The doctor nodded and handed Jack his card. “Just call my office and set up the appointment when you have a date pinned down.”

They spoke a little more, then Jack and Mendez got up to leave. As soon as they opened the door, Mendez’s scowl was back in place and he was back in his bodyguard mode, leading the way to the garage. No handholding, pure business, but something inside of Jack craved holding Mendez’s hand more than anything.

Chapter Ten

Mendez’s gaze swept everywhere as he watched for a potential threat. The arena was packed with screaming fans. Vendors moved throughout the back area, as did other workers, staff, and anyone else who thought they had a right to be there.

For the concert, Huck had hired a protection team, even though there was security already there for crowd control.

His mate was on stage, strumming out a soulful ballad, sweat glistening on his skin from the overhead lighting and exertion of dancing to a couple of his more upbeat songs when he sang them. He was on a stool, a bottled water at his feet, strumming his guitar as he belted out the tune.

Jack really was a gifted singer. It seemed as if everyone in their seats held their breath, hardly a noise coming from their direction, but Jack was looking down at his guitar as he sang his number-one hit, “Strong Man’s Journey.”

The lyrics got to Mendez because he could relate to them. He hadn’t known his father and, just like his mate, had struggled to become a man on his own. Of course his mom had tried her best with him, to teach him everything in life, and he’d loved her for that, but it hadn’t been the same.
