Page 17 of Deadly Obsession

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“McKenna is going to flip when she finds out you’re home,” his mother said as she sat.

Jack groaned at how good the pie tasted. No one made an apple pie better. “You know the rule when I’m here.”

His mom nodded. “I won’t tell a soul. Not that I’m not happy to see you, but what made you do an impromptu visit?”

Guilt ate at Jack. He wasn’t going to tell her the real reason. She would be inconsolable if he told her about his doctor visit. As soon as he got to Memphis, Jack planned on seeing his doctor, but until then, he just wanted to enjoy being home.

“Needed a break.”

“About time,” his mother scoffed. “Been after you for years to take one. I’m just surprised Rachael isn’t with you.”

Jack cut a glance at Mendez before he looked at his mom and smiled. “She couldn’t make the trip but sends her best.”

“I would love to meet her one day,” she said. “Talking to her on the phone and seeing her on television with you isn’t the same. That’s not how we do things, Jack.”

“Do you mind if I get another slice?” Mendez asked. “Best apple pie I’ve ever tasted.”

Jack was thankful for the save. He didn’t like lying to his mother, but if she pushed the subject about him and Rachael, he would have to. She seemed enamored with Rachael, and Jack didn’t want to break his mother’s heart.

“How long are you boys staying?” Lena placed the large slice on Mendez’s plate. When her attention was on Jack, Mendez winked at him.

Great, now Jack felt a blush steal over his cheeks. “Just a few days. Sorry I didn’t call ahead. If you don’t have the room or have other plans, we can stay in a hotel.”

“I’ll hear of no such thing,” his mother harrumphed. “No boy of mine is going to stay in a hotel when I have plenty of room.” She turned to Mendez. “You’re welcome too, but I guess that goes without saying since you’re Jack’s bodyguard, though I doubt he’ll need one while he’s here.”

She got up from the table, and Jack automatically stood, and so did Mendez. “Need help with anything?”

“No, I’m just going to start dinner. I have two big boys to feed, and your sister will want to stay for supper. Let me go call her now.”

Mendez chuckled when Lena went into the kitchen. “Feisty woman.”

Jack grinned as they both sat down. “You have no idea.”

She was one of the reasons Jack had fought so hard for his career. He wanted to give his mother everything she’d ever wanted, to take care of her the way she’d taken care of him.

“There were times when she had to work two jobs just to support me and McKenna.”

“Nothing wrong with hard work,” Mendez said.

“Yeah, but now she’s retried. I made sure of it.” Jack looked toward the kitchen. “She deserves it.” He looked at Mendez. “What about your mom?”

He saw the way Mendez’s eyes shuttered and regretted his question. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to get so personal. Forget I asked.”

Mendez twirled his fork between his fingers as he looked down at his empty plate. “She died a long time ago. Never knew my dad.”

“Kindred spirits.” Jack chuckled, trying to ease the moment. “Never knew mine, either. Was raised by my mother and baby sister, and they did a fine job, if I do say so myself.”

Though Jack still had a lot of insecurities. Not his mother’s or McKenna’s fault. They did the best they could, but it took a man to raise a man, and that was something Jack never had. He never begrudged his mom. It was what it was.

“They did a great job.” Mendez smiled. “If you don’t mind, I’m gonna check the perimeter.” He held up his hand when Jack opened his mouth to protest. “It’ll put my mind at ease.”

Jack nodded. “Thanks, for everything.”

Mendez winked before he walked out the front door. Jack rubbed his chest as he stared at the door, hoping like hell he wasn’t falling for the gorgeous man. That would spell trouble, and not only would that complicate the hell out of things, but Jack was also unsure of his future.

It was best to keep things casual. There was no other way.

* * * *
