Page 43 of Lay It Down

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Neo grabbed each of my boots and pulled my legs apart with authority. Holy shit, he was.

Pulling up my dress, Neo looked at me one last time, and then moved forward. First, he kissed the inside of one knee. I melted against the seat. Then he moved upward, toward my inner thigh, trailing closer and closer. At the first touch of his tongue on the very upper part of my thigh, I jolted. I tried to find something to grip, but there was nothing. Pushing my dress up even more, he reached his goal.

But he didn’t touch me.

Instead, he looked up. The sight of him between my legs, those chocolate-brown eyes imploring do what? Give him permission? He had that, in spades. No, it wasn’t that. He was teasing me. The challenge was still on.

“You win,” I said simply.

At that, he smirked, winked at me, and then leaned his head forward. At the first touch of Neo’s tongue, I nearly came right then and there. Using his thumbs to open me wider, he licked. Teased. Flicked his tongue, alternating it with slow movements, then fast again, his finger now joining the party.

With nothing else to hold, I grabbed two fistfuls of hair. I didn’t need to press. Neo knew exactly how much pressure to exert. He was—to my dismay, as images of some of his past girlfriends flashed through my head, unbidden and unwanted—as good at this as he was at kissing. The very thought that this was Neo, on his knees, between my was too much.

My fingers tightened. My ass cheeks squeezed as I arched into him. Trying not to moan, unsure how easy it was to hear from the front seat, I let myself give in completely to Neo’s ministrations. When the first wave came, I rode it. As my core pulsed, Neo did not shy away. He continued to lick but increased the intensity of it, making each spasm stronger than the last.

By the time he stopped, I wasn’t sure who I was. Where I was. What had just happened. All I knew was that when Neo licked his lips, rose up to me and pulled me down for our second kiss, everything bad in the world floated away. Hurt, pain, suffering, disappointment...all gone. Replaced with desire and love, my need for him making me grab onto the fabric at his shoulders and pull him close. His head slanted, taking me deeper and deeper. Until the car began to slow. When he pulled back, I could hardly catch my breath.

What in the ever-loving hell had just happened? That was not, I repeat, not normal.

Earth-shattering? Yes. Life-changing? Yes. The most erotic moment of my life? For sure. But normal? Absolutely not.

He wiped the corner of his mouth with his finger, not, I didn’t think, because he needed to. It was a gesture to remind me of what he’d just done, as if I needed reminding. It made me want him even more, if such a thing was possible.

With a quick kiss to my thigh, he pulled down my dress. Even the brief touch of Neo’s lips sent shivers through me. He sat back, grabbed his water as I recrossed my legs, and took a sip as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

“Well, that was fun,” he said. “What game should we play next?”

This guy. Holy hell.

“I don’t like losing,” I told him. Which was an outright lie in this situation. If this was losing, I’d do it all day, every day.

“I know you don’t.”

The wine, the day, the man. It was all too perfect. Only one thing could make it any better.

“A dare this time,” I proposed, knowing full well it was one I’d win.

“I’m feeling pretty invincible at the moment,” he said. The cocky side of Neo—the one his brother Marco had perfected but which Neo only let peek out from time to time—was now on full display. That was another thing I loved about him. It was always under the surface, a quieter confidence than his brothers. He took very little seriously, and right now, Neo was definitely not taking my ability to best him seriously.

“Then you first, Mr. Invincible.”

The car stopped. We’d arrived.

“What’s the dare?”

I had him. “I dare you to sleep in my room tonight,” I said, only getting started.


I laughed. “Not so easy, cowboy. That’s only part one.”

He leaned forward, obviously intrigued. “So what’s part two?”

I really, really hoped this wouldn’t backfire. I wanted to win, but not this badly. Too late to back out now. “I dare you to sleep in my room tonight. And not touch me.”

Wayne opened the door.

“Ah fuck,” Neo said, Wayne’s eyes widening as he peered inside.

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