Page 59 of The Hitman's Child

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Chapter Twenty-Three


“I think I can convince Jeremy to say out loud the original details of the plan he hired me for,” Hunter said. Now that he’d confessed to Nicholas, they were trying to come up with a plan that might work to get the solid evidence they needed. “He still thinks that I’m only spending time with Vanessa to get close to her so I can kill her and get Opal. So long as he believes I’m still doing that, I can get him to admit to just about anything.”

Nicholas nodded thoughtfully. “I think it’s best if we get the cops to set up something. Some sort of sting operation.”

Hunter shook his head. “No way. I won’t have enough control over the situation. If I can’t control everything that happens, it might turn on me, and he’ll know something is up.” Not to mention the fact that he could hardly kill Jeremy if he knew the cops were watching. If they weren’t there, he could alter the recording or make it seem like any gun shots were him being shot at. He could set it up to look like self defense, when the whole time, the real plan was to get evidence, but also to make sure Jeremy didn’t live long enough to go to trial.

“It’s too risky,” Nicholas said. “If we get the police involved beforehand, they’ll be there to jump in if things go wrong. And calling them first cements the fact that you’re the ones who are innocent here. If we just take them evidence, it’s not as good as them getting it themselves. Someone might say it’s been tampered with.”

“I can’t trust the police like that. If he gets any hint that they’re involved, everything will fall apart. Can’t you see that?”

“Hunter,” Vanessa said, “Maybe we should just do it Nicholas’s way. I don’t want to take the chance of you getting hurt or arrested. Going to them first means you won’t be.”

“It doesn’t mean that at all,” Hunter said. “The best I could hope for is some sort of plea deal. And that would maybe reduce my sentence from life to twenty years. Fifteen if I’m lucky.”

Vanessa looked away. He knew she didn’t want to hear that. He wanted her to understand the full danger, though. He wished he could tell her that he’d rather die to get the evidence she needed, or die to kill Jeremy and set her free once and for all, than to take the chance of going to jail. From prison, he could do nothing to help her, and she would move on. He could never ask her to wait for him, nor would she. They didn’t have a commitment like that and going to jail would only prove everything she’d said about why she couldn’t have him in her life—that he was too dangerous, and she didn’t want a criminal as a step-father for her daughter.

“Let me call Jeremy and see if I can get him to meet me,” Hunter said.

Nicholas and Vanessa watched as Hunter picked up the phone. He took a moment to get his mind set, then hit send. When Jeremy answered the phone, it was easy to let the rage into his voice. All he had to do was picture one of the photographs of Vanessa bruised up, and he was seeing red.

“What the hell are you doing?” Hunter shouted. “Are you a completely incompetent idiot?”

“Me?” Jeremy shot back. “You’re the one who can’t manage to put a bullet in one stupid woman’s head. How hard is that?”

He ignored the insult to Vanessa and went on. “Because of your little stunt today, the social worker who’d been poking around got injured. And what do you think he’s thinking now? I’ll you what he’s not thinking. He’s not thinking Vanessa is a horrible mother who beat her daughter. He’s sitting right now with her, listening to her story. Is that what you wanted? For CPS to turn their attention to you, because that’s what you’ve done.”

“He’ll never believe her.”

Hunter laughed. “I was standing right there when Vanessa told him that you were the one who had shot him. And he asked a lot of questions about you. Questions I’m sure you probably don’t want Vanessa answering truthfully. If he believes her, you’re screwed.”

“He won’t,” Jeremy said stubbornly. “I’ll make sure of it.”

“Right. And you better be sure that you erase any conversation he records and any notes he takes and any reports he submits. Or didn’t you know they do all that? I guess I knew that because I’ve been spending all this time getting close enough to find out. Or maybe you forgot how it worked. You’re so damn impatient to get it done, you’re going to mess the whole thing up. But hey, it’s no skin off my back if Vanessa’s story comes out and people believe it. She’s claiming you did all sorts of things to her and that little girl. Even if they’re proved to be false, your name won’t be worth shit after this stuff hits the media.”

Jeremy was quiet for a long while. “Fine. What do you propose we do?”

“First of all, stop sending fucking killers after me and Vanessa. I’ll take care of it properly. You’re being messy as hell, and it’s already backfiring. Meet with me, and we’ll go over the next phase of my plan. If you can manage not to get your panties in a bunch for five minutes, this can be done like we planned. But I’m not discussing details over the phone. There’s already far too much heat on this job.”

“When? Where?”

# # #

When he hung up a few minutes later, Vanessa and Nicholas were still watching him. “He went for it perfectly. I’ll meet him, get him to agree to all the details and state them clearly, and then we’ll have him.”

Nicholas and Vanessa exchanged a look.

“This would be a perfect time to get the police involved and have them at this meeting,” Nicholas said.

“I told you. No. There’s too much risk. I need to be in complete control of the situation.”

“You still could be,” Vanessa insisted. “We can make that part of the plan. That they don’t interfere unless you say some sort of code word or something. They could just be listening and waiting for you to tell them to jump in.”

“You’re putting far too much trust in the police,” Hunter said. “And in a system that came very close to taking your daughter away from you. Nicholas was convinced you were beating your child and that you coached her to lie. And he was wrong. What if these cops think they know what to do and they’re wrong? Or they decide not to believe us?”

Nicholas hung his head. Good. He should be ashamed of how he reacted. Hunter didn’t care if Nicholas had only been doing his job. How in the world could he have thought Vanessa was the abuser in this situation? What an idiot. It took about two seconds of being around her to see how sweet and caring she was. Anyone could see it.

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