Page 16 of The Hitman's Child

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Chapter Seven


He didn’t have the highest hopes. So when Vanessa texted him a few days later and asked to meet for drinks, he was shocked. He tried to get her to go for dinner, some place a little more intimate, but the only place she would agree to go was a local pub. Not exactly his ideal date, but he’d make it work.

He walked in and saw her immediately. She looked gorgeous. Even more so in a short skirt and close-fitting top. He went stiff before he even reached the table and slyly adjusted himself as he slid into his seat.

“You look amazing,” he said.

“Thanks.” She blushed and looked down.

Must not be used to getting compliments. She might be tough to get to open up.

A waitress came over and they ordered drinks.

“So, tell me about your job,” he said.

“Well, I’m a school nurse. There’s not much to it, really. Kids come for medication or when they want to get out of class. Sometimes they come when they’re actually sick, but not often.”

Hunter chuckled. “I recall faking it a time or two myself.”

“They all do. It’s a decent job, though. Easy. And I get to be near Katrin all day.”

“You like to keep her close.”

“Sure. I think most parents do.”

The waitress returned with their order and Hunter took a sip of his beer before continuing. “You seem a little more careful than most parents, though.”

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being cautious.”

“Maybe not. Just seemed like maybe it’s hard for you to trust new people.”

“There have been a lot of new people. Everyone is new.” She took a sip of her wine. “And like I said, I like to be cautious.”

“So, what made you move here, anyway?”

“My job. There’s usually only one nurse per school, so it can be hard to find an opening.”

“Have you ever thought of doing anything else? Some other sort of nursing?”

“No, not really.” She absently picked at the corner of her napkin. “I wanted to be close to Katrin.”

Hunter nodded. “There’s that distrust thing again.”

Vanessa looked down. “Sorry. I guess I am a bit over-protective at times.”

“Is that why you have her use a fake name?”

Her head snapped up. “What?”

“The other day when we were tossing the ball, she said by accident that her real name is Opal.”

“She said that?”

“Well, not in so many words, but basically.”

Her eyes widened. “Well, she uses that name to play pretend. It’s not really a fake name. Just a name to play pretend with.”

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