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“Fuck you,” Alexander seethed. Excellent. More swearing.

He rolled his eyes and followed the sound of her echoed heels, unsure if Alexander would follow or not. He would, though. He would follow her to the ends of the earth, and beyond if necessary.

With or without Alexander.

Chapter 15


What a pitiful thing this all is. And no amount of me sitting here with the three of them is containing any amount of anger I might have. Fools, the lot of them. I’m so bored of it I’ve barely managed to keep my mouth shut from telling some home truths to all of them. Firstly Pascal – what the fuck was that? Drugging him and tying him up? Bizarre.

I gaze at him sitting behind his desk, a frown on his features. He should be pleased if he got inside Alexander. Why, and what for, I’ve got no idea about. And Beth? Snivelling and whining about the loss of a baby. Okay, it’s shit, but come on. She knows better than to be like that in front of Alex. All it does is make him feel inept, and useless. Can’t she see he’s hurting too? Good god. Does nobody know anything about the people they apparently love? And Alex, I might kill him for whatever the hell he’s up to. Leaving everyone without him? Letting both of them stew in their own fear and chaos without any strength from him? Utter stupidity. He is their strength. Certainly Elizabeth’s anyway.

I blow out a breath and keep staring at Pascal, waiting for whatever I’m trying to formulate to come to fruition. At the moment, that might be me taking Pascal from here and leaving these other two to it. We have a home, several actually, a life away from these two and their problems. Alex is one screwed up dick at the moment, and Elizabeth, well, I still don’t know what she is. Brave or stupid comes to mind. I glance at her, noting the way her fire seems to be coming back now she’s had her neck threatened and she’s found some clothes, and then look at Alex. He’s brooding. And dangerously attractive. I need to stop thinking about that.

Or perhaps I shouldn’t.

“How long is it since you two have fucked?” I ask, either of them. Neither of them reply. Presumably three months or so. Pascal chuckles. I glare at him, not overly happy with his demeanour at the moment. A baby has died and he thinks beating the information out of Alex is sensible? I’m not convinced. But then I still don’t know Alex like he does. Maybe it is. I look at the man in question, kicking his shin with my foot. “And if I took Pascal from you, would you even care?” He snarls. I narrow my eyes and get up, considering the beating thing more readily than I was. “Child. Come.”

No one moves.

“I said come. All of you.”

I swan out after that, uninterested in the mumbling that comes from any of them and at least smiling about Pascal’s heels following me. Good boy. And if the other two don’t come then maybe I’ll just fuck Pascal in the dungeon to discipline him about getting his hand in Alexander without my permission. Not that he needs it, but it would have been nice to be asked first.

“You are stunning, my love.” I know.

“Crawl.” He chuckles and catches up with me, hand grasping hold of mine.

“I love you.” I know that, too. He’s still going to beg for forgiveness, though.

“I think we should have a free for all.” His brow raises at the words. “Where we all fuck each other to get the angst out.” He smiles as I link my arm through his, another throaty chuckle coming with the movement. “I’m bored with the theatrics and intricacies of this foursome. Who fucks whom and when is tiresome, don’t you think?”

He nods. “Indeed.”

“And why does he only cry for me?”

“Because you are not beneath him.” I halt and look at him.

“Do you still want to be?” He searches my eyes for something I won’t give him. He’ll tell me the truth without permission or acceptance. “Do not go fishing in my mind, Pascal. The truth.”


“Mmm. Then why all this dominance over him?”

“Because I am not whole without it.”

“You are with me.” His smile broadens to the most glorious display of loveliness I always see when it’s just the two of us.

“Because I trust you,” he says softly.

My heart fills with joy at his words, hand reaching for his face as I imagine another time without Alex or Beth involved in us. We’re so connected. So in tune with each other. It’s only those two that muddy our water, bringing clouds of discord where there should be none. I stare into green pools, watching them swirl at me.

“And yet you still need him, don’t you?”

He doesn’t need to answer. I know him too well for any of that to matter to me. I know his thoughts, his pain, and his words. I know everything about him long before he utters a word or takes a breath. He’s my path. My enduring reason for waking up each morning and going to sleep each night. Just like Alex is for him.

“Because I love him, Lilah.” Idiot.

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