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But in her life, nothing usually went according to plan.



Link adjusted the guitar case in his hand as Emma signed a piece of paper for the young girl. He’d already settled their tab while Emma had been singing her first song, so making a clean getaway wouldn’t be a problem.

Two more girls approached, whispering to each other.

“Are you her?” the blonde asked.

Emma offered a smile and nod, reaching out to accept the hat the girl wanted signed. Link surveyed the room, anxiety snaking around his spine as more heads turned and a loud group of frat boys approached.

“Oh my God! Emma Sterling!”

“Are your bandmates here?”

“Is Ravi here too?”

The crowd surrounded them quicker than he thought possible. Emma offered him a panicked glance as she signed things and answered questions as fast as she could. She adjusted her cap. It hadn’t been much use after she’d gone on the stage. Her voice was unique and notable, no matter which type of music she sang.

After she posed for what seemed like the twentieth selfie, she said, “Okay, guys, we have to get going.”

“You up for some fun later? Here’s my number,” the six-foot guy with a university emblem on his shirt said, slipping a piece of folded paper in Emma’s back pocket.

Emma jolted and smacked his hand away.

Link got into the guy’s face, stepping so they were chest to chest, eye to eye. “Don’t fucking touch her,” Link growled, balling his fists in anticipation for a fight.

Fear reflected in the guy’s eyes before he cocked his head to the side in challenge. “Who are you? Her bodyguard?”

“Link, let’s go.” Emma placed her hand on his arm.

“We can hold them off, so you guys can get to your car, but you’d better hurry,” a female voice said, barely audible above the loud crowd.

“Thanks, Delia,” Emma called, before pulling him towards the door.

Link went with Emma, all his senses on alert in case someone broke through the small line of security the bar had.

Once they were outside, Emma ran to the car. He whipped open his door and pushed the guitar case into the back seat before climbing in and slamming them inside. He twisted the key in the ignition, the engine roaring to life just as people poured out of the bar entrance and headed their way. Link flicked on the high beams and revved the engine, causing the mob to hesitate as he shifted into gear and tore out of the parking lot.

Chest heaving, he checked his mirrors, making sure no one was stupid enough to follow them. He continued a few blocks and doubled back before turning into a hotel with the vacancy sign lit. Link found a parking spot in the almost-full lot and cut the engine. He turned, needing to make sure Emma was alright. She burst out laughing. Link swallowed as her mirth got even more out of control. Emma tipped her head back and held her belly as her hysterical laughter grew silent, she was laughing so hard.

He shook his head and chuckled along with her. Her joy was contagious. Those bright blue eyes sparkled with life. They’d seemed so dull lately.

“Oh my God.” Emma took a few deep breaths as if to calm herself.

The moonlight filtered into the windows, glinting off her golden hair. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, her cheeks flushed from the excursion. Flashes of that pink spreading over her chest as she’d ridden him came back with a vengeance.

His cock jumped as fire burned his veins. She licked her lips, teasing him with that pink tongue. It tasted like strawberries if he remembered correctly. Her gaze held his in a trance, sucking him into the depths of temptation.

He leaned forward just a fraction, giving in to the magnetic pull between them. His mind swirled, warring with right and wrong, fear and want. Desire pooled over his skin like liquid fire. He was going to burn alive for this woman.

Emma’s mouth parted, her eyes dropping to his lips. Fuuuuuck he wanted her with every cell in his body. To climb over the gear shift and peel those tight pants down her thighs. To pull her on top of him and test the suspension in the car. He’d bury himself inside her and finally be able to release this built-up need. Nerves frayed, every muscle tensed, and sweat dotted his brow. His heart raced, pounding in his ears. Anger welled at the amount of control this woman had stripped from him. At his weakness to her.

Her head dipped, leaning in as if to kiss him.

Link bolted upright and snapped, “What the fuck were you thinking?”

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