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Emma nodded. “You’re free of me for good now.” She turned to pass him, but he gripped her arm, halting her steps. Emma’s gaze met his.

Link stole a glance over his shoulders towards the crowd at the bar. He pulled her into the door marked office and flipped the light on before shutting them in. “I’m sorry I was a dick. I just . . . I don’t know how to handle this.”

Emma crossed her arms over her chest. “You need to be more specific. This as in the pregnancy scare or the fact that we fucked?”

He flinched. “Shhhh. Someone might hear you.”

Emma huffed and shook her head. Anger boiled to the surface. Emma never should have slept with him. She cursed her drunk self; she should have known better. No more tequila in Link’s presence—that was a new rule. Though this would probably be it. Their relationship had been strenuous these last several years without adding the complication of knocking boots. I ruined the fragile thread of a relationship we had by giving in to a fantasy.

“Is April good for a road trip?” Link asked, interrupting her despairing thoughts.

“What?” Her eyes widened.

“April will be better driving conditions than now to get to California.” He said matter-of-fact, like he hadn’t refused and stormed out of the lawyer’s office a week ago.

“I can make that work.”

“Don’t know why Shattered Cove waters aren’t good enough for him,” he grumbled.

Emma laughed. “Papa never did anything according to what people expected.” Like taking in a young white girl to raise on his own.

“He sure didn’t.” He chuckled. His smile was a carbon copy of their father’s.



“You’re still my family, even though Papa’s gone. I know we haven’t been close, except for . . . Regardless, I’d really love to have you stay in my life.”

There. She’d said it, putting herself out there. No regrets.

His jaw twitched as he studied her. Brows drawn together, his gaze dropped to her mouth.

She licked her lips, and they burned under his intense focus. His throat bobbed as he swallowed, the vein in his neck pulsing. Link leaned in just a fraction. If she hadn’t been studying him so closely, she would have missed it.

“You ready to do the song?” His voice was gruff.


He brushed past her, leaving her alone in the dimness. She closed her eyes, fighting the pain tearing her heart to shreds. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the main room.

“Doll face, you look hot!” Asher picked her up in a bear hug, spinning her around before setting her back on her feet.

She wobbled and held on to his arm until she was steady. Emma smiled. “You came!”

“We all did,” Nicky said, from her right.

Emma took in her four bandmates dressed in suits. “You guys actually wore suits?” Her hand covered her mouth in shock.

“Don’t get used to it. We have a certain reputation to uphold, you know?” Leo loosened his tie and winked.

“Geo said he’s sorry he couldn’t be here,” Nicky said, eyes flashing like he was hiding something.

Everyone grew quiet at the somber reminder of their missing bandmate.

“What would I do without you guys?”

“Probably a lot better.” Asher shrugged.

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