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Jasmine inhaled a shaky breath and tipped her head to meet Atlas’s gaze. Their eyes locked as his hands gently wrapped around her waist. She slipped her hands over his broad shoulders. The zing of electricity vibrated up her arms, sending the rest of her body into a humming frenzy of lust whipped in desire. She let loose a tiny gasp. Molten heat spread from her womb to her limbs. He moved, sure and powerful, spinning her into a trance slowly around the small room. His grey eyes dilated and focused solely on her. His fresh scent was intoxicating, making her heady with need. Large palms burned her skin with his touch, drowning her senses with the burning need she’d ignored for too long.

His eyes widened as if he was as surprised as her by the overpowering combustion of their bodies together.

Something about the way he held her was different. This moment felt more intimate than anything she’d ever experienced. Like those grey spheres could see right through to her soul. How many times had she been in a man’s arms, but never truly held?

Could she do this?

Can I trust him with Zoey and my heart?

Whoa. Where did that come from? Since when was her heart on the table?

His eyes flicked to her mouth.

Halsey’s lyrics about it being finally safe to fall had never felt more true. It seemed like a sign.

Could she dare to hope? She licked her lips. His jaw tightened, and his hands gripped her hips closer. Atlas’s head tipped down. He was near enough for her to taste his exhale.

As much as she wanted his kiss, this wasn’t the place. Not in front of Zoey. She wouldn’t be like her own mother. Her daughter would come first. Besides, what was she expecting? A two-week fling with her daughter’s father?

If he was who she thought he was, he’d understand. It took all her self-control, but she backed out of his arms.

The loss smacked into her. She sucked in a staggered breath.

She had to be more careful. If her feelings for Atlas were this intense already, there was no telling the damage he could do if she truly let him in.

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