Page 39 of The Last Royal

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“Like you left my brother out of this?” The shout rang so loud around them that animals in the distance began to scurry away. Even they knew something terrible and angry was here.

“If you might just apologize we could get this out of the way and move on.” Rehan had run a hand through his hair and stood patiently off to the side.

Shelby gave a mocking look. “I’m sorry.”

“Beg,” the king snapped.

Instead of begging, or even pretending like he might try, Shelby stared blankly. Color was quickly appearing in the king’s face.

King Osiris’s several pointed teeth snapped in his direction. “You can beg or I can make you beg.”

The Impelling. Seeing it once was more than enough. For Shelby to be put under such a terrible spell, even for his sister to see it happen again—no.No.

“I will not pretend to be one of your servants,” Shelby responded.

Margo’s high pitched whine was the only indication that anything had even begun to happen; King Osiris didn’t lift a hand, not a single finger twitched, nor did he so much as blink. Ace spun as the witch was lifted to her tippy-toes. Her hands went to her throat, fingers curling around the invisible hold on her neck.

This was like Shelby’s mother all over again.

“Stop it!” Ace shrieked. “We are on the same fucking team.”

“Are we?” King Osiris asked.

“Let her go, you beast.” Shelby’s lip curled. He inched closer.


A spear of blue light arched through the air. Wind tousled Ace’s hair as it flew over her shoulder, aimed for the King’s chest. He batted it away like it was nothing. The magic that had propelled from Margo’s palm died out, another weak whine managing to make its way from her flailing body. But her movements were slowing. Margo’s eyes started to roll back into her head.

Ace brought her hands to her mouth, her palms pressed together as if she might start praying. Shewaspraying. She needed these two and if it came down to it, she would run the king through with her own blade if she had to. They’d find another way to take down the queens and free the warlocks.

Grass bent under Shelby’s knees as he landed before the king.

Ace had to force the gasp that slid up her throat to catch behind her teeth. Emotion made Shelby’s voice weak. A few of the Fae, still on top their horses’ backs, smiled to each other.

“I’m sorry. I’m so very sorry.”

Margo was still held in that tight grip. Her eyelids lowering, the fight in her becoming more sluggish.

“Crawl,” the king said.

“Leave the child alone,” Ace cried with a desperate glance at Rehan who couldn’t meet her gaze. The man who’d entertained Margo and danced with her not long ago was looking away as her life was being choked away.

Shelby crawled. He didn’t hesitate before dropping on all fours and making his way to the king’s feet. His clothing stretched tight against his body as Shelby lowered further, face pressed into the ground, apologies flowing from his lips. Behind those apologises though, there was a prayer, silent and scared, that echoed into Ace’s thoughts.

Fire licked at her spine. In the back of her skull, it felt as if a thousand bees had been let loose, buzzing, flying, and stinging.Help him. Answer the prayer. Be the hand of the gods. Her body was made for this.She wanted to move. Needed to.

Only then did Rehan look her way, his eyes full of warning.Don’t be reckless,his gaze said.

A cry for air and the vibration of Margo’s weight dropped back down to the earth soothed every taut muscle in Ace’s body. Now if only Shelby was standing.

A perfectly polished black boot pressed Shelby’s face further into the dirt. A small puff of dust blew out from where he breathed under the pressure of King Osiris’s leg. It was in this moment that Ace decided she hated the king. If there was a feeling worse than hate perhaps she felt that too.

“Now was that so very hard?” King Osiris’s face was stretched with his menacing snarl. It was easy to remember how terrifying he looked when blood had been dripping from pointed, shark-like, teeth.

“Well,” Rehan made a show of dusting his hands, “now that that is out of the way. Shall we talk strategy?”

The boot was removed.

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