Page 35 of The Last Royal

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“You only say that because you don’t want to keep practicing yourself.”

Ace groaned. “My body is sore. You’d think these newfound abilities would save me from this pain but they don’t.”

Shelby pinned her with a look that suggested he did not believe a word she’d just uttered.

Rehan used his shirt as a rag, chasing the sweat that had trailed like a river between his pecs and the deep lines of his abs. Ace sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, chewing on the delicate skin as she chastised herself for even watching, especially when Shelby’s gaze was still burning into her flesh.

Shame, shame…Mina’s whispered voice lilted with playful sarcasm.

Who is to say she could not have them both?Ramdon purred in the silky tone of voice he so rarely used.

Ace smiled a little to herself, shaking her head at the god’s notion that she might have the capacity to maintain two relationships or that the men would not mind sharing. Though Rehan was beautiful and kind, everything she should want, he simply was not Shelby. Her heart had grown too fond of the cranky warlock to ever let him go.

That is a thought. Two men who’d love and die for you… Well, Ace, that would be true power.Greshta practically gasped as if the goddess had never thought of it before.

Shelby walked a few paces forward, the sound of twigs snapping under his steps a nice distraction as Ace went back to yanking grass from the ground and piling it around her like a child. The softthwumpof Rehan’s shirt being tossed next to her pulled her attention back up. When she lifted her gaze, Rehan’s eyes met hers and a soft smirk tilted his lips.

Oh, gods.She looked away quickly.Had he been listening to the conversation? Were they saying the same things to him?

A burning blush rose over her cheeks. Quickly, she averted her gaze back to Shelby. Ace had made her choice and she was not sorry for it. No matter what Rehan looked like shirtless.

“Go on,” Ace encouraged, having to clear her throat around the now permanent lump that lived there. “Wow me.”

One eyebrow rose on Shelby’s round face. She hated how she could almost read his thoughts without even trying. With one simple expression, she understood that he thought that he’d already wowed her enough.Thatsent her mind reeling back to the impressive length of his…

Stop, stop, stop.Ace tried to tell herself. Her fiancé was standing right there and she hadn’t found the time or courage to tell him she couldn’t marry him yet.

“Make your wings appear again,” she said.

“I would love to see it again,” Rehan mused, taking a few strides to find a seat next to Ace. He dropped down into the grass, still glistening from his practice. He smelled of salt and honeysuckle. One of his hands found its way onto the top of Aces thigh, not too high, but high enough it felt like a claim.

Ace frowned slightly, wanting to squirm away from the caring touch. Almost in answer, his hand slid down closer to her knee, where he rubbed his thumb over the top of her pants, his attention pinned on Shelby in anticipation. Did he even realize what he was doing?

Lines formed over Shelby’s forehead, a sign of his features twisting into something ugly, before he turned his face away from them. With slow breaths, he took a few steps before turning back to face them. His expression was set like stone into something neutral. By the tenseness of his shoulder, Ace couldn’t help but wonder if it pained him.

“I can’t will them out on command,” Shelby said.

“You’ll need to be able to, though. Give it a try.” Rehan was nothing but supportive. Shelby’s mouth curved further down anyway.

“Fine, but let me say ‘I told you so’ in advance.”

“Fair.” Rehan nodded.

Ace’s favorite hazel eyes closed. Long lashes curled upward against high cheekbones as Shelby opened his palms at his sides. His chest filled and emptied with long slow breaths. Light danced between his fingertips. Sparks of reds, yellows, and pinks. From his brows to his nose and down to his lips his face scrunched tightly. A vein bulged in his forehead.

“Don’t give yourself a hemorrhoid or something trying.” Ace laughed, covering her mouth as the warlock cracked an eye open to glare at her.

“Stress seemed to help you before. Perhaps you could use a sparring partner?” Then Rehan was standing, shaking off the blades of grass that clung to his pants and striding forward.

“You’re going to spar…with me?” Shelby’s hands were already curling into fists.

“I promise I’ll take it easy on you.”

A cold chill tingled through Ace’s limbs, making her fingers and toes go numb. Every beat of her heart made her feel light as if she might float away…or very well pass out. These two? Fighting? That did not sound like a very good idea to her. Even if Shelby’s scowl had disappeared.

“Fine.” Shelby waved Rehan forward.

Both men brought their fists up to guard their faces. They shifted on the tips of their toes, circling each other with no clear evidence of which was prey and which was predator. Rehan was the first to move. His fist cut through the air, missing Shelby as he dodged it by only a hair.

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