Page 33 of The Last Royal

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Ambrose came to a stop so suddenly that her upper half nearly toppled over. She’d almost missed her bedroom door. Sighing, she was thankful that she was no longer locked in this room like a prisoner. When she agreed to do as Idalia had wanted, it became the key to her freedom. That key also unlocked the door to a whole lot of confusion.

Tugging at curl she’d already stretched from playing with it all morning, she let herself in and found her way to the couch. Vines tied themselves in knots on top of her staff. Something she’d seen them do more and more since they fed off her emotions. She tipped the staff and a flame roared to life within the hearth. With a blink, her eyes were orange once more. Being anything other than what she’d been made into during her death felt wildly uncomfortable.

The moment she sagged into her seat, there was a brisk knock at her door. She exhaled, slumping just a little bit further. “Who is it?”

Don’t answer it, the rasping voice said.

“Ambrose, it’s Burke. Can I come in?”

Why wouldn’t a god want Burke to come in? He’d been nothing but doting and kind. Though most moments since she’d been brought back her heart ached to see Ephram. He was the reason she agreed. Eternal life to be with her eternal lover. A story as romantic as that could not be crafted.

“Come in.”

The door opened and closed quickly. Burke straightened his clothes but still managed to look a bit out of sorts. He hadn’t looked this bothered when they were talking to Rehan. Though with Idalia’s command he had hurried from the room like someone had set a fire to his rump.

“Ambrose,” he breathed.

Don’t listen.

“What’s wrong? You look like you just sprinted a lap around the whole castle.” She patted the cushion next to her.

“I have to tell you something.”

“Well, I figured that much since you came to seek me out.”

Her light laugh made Burke’s smile tense. He paced a few steps before the couch, wringing his hands. “I don’t know how to say this and I’m afraid I’ve run out of time.”

“Whatever it is, just get it out. I’m sure you’ll feel much better.”And so will I.His fidgeting was giving her a fluttering anxious feeling in her chest. What could possibly have him acting like this?

He lies, the voice snarled.

Ambrose hadn’t yet given her trust fully to this new god. He seemed very opinionated. None of these opinions really helped her much.

He hasn’t even said anything yet, the queen thought back.

Burke stopped. Air pushed through the cushions as his weight plopped down on the couch, causing the queen to bounce. His warmth surrounded her hands as he took them in his. Was that worry she saw in his eyes?

“I’ve lied to you,” he finally said.

Ambrose closed her eyes, not expectingthatto be what came from him.

“Please, listen,” Burke paused, his voice quivering. As Ambrose exhaled slowly and met his gaze, he began again. “It is not a lie that I love you. I have loved you since it was just you and me drinking on the couch together. I loved you as my fiancée and I wanted to love you as my wife.”

That anxious feeling tightened.

“Your sister has kept so much from you and I wanted to tell you. I’ve wanted to tell you for so long. I was convinced that not telling you was the best option, the safest option, but I don’t care anymore.” His grip on her hands tightened. “When it was all said and done, after the war and upon your crownings, when I chose to go with Idalia… I only did so to protect you.”

Every ounce of moisture in Ambrose’s mouth dried up. She tilted her head waiting to hear more. The pain in her chest had grown to such severity that she thought about removing one of her hands from his to rub at the pain.

“Idalia has mostly come clean. So now I think I can do the same.” His thumb stroked against her skin softly. “I knew Idalia killed your parents’ deaths. I found out and confronted her about it. I swore I was going to tell you and your sisters.” The knot in this throat bobbed. “She nearly killed me right there with the power the staff gave her. Idalia let me live but told me that if I ever confessed it to any living soul that she would rip your heart from your chest with her own two hands and feed it to me before she killed me too.”

Ambrose’s jaw dropped. Burke was unable to meet her gaze, his attention unfocused somewhere behind them. There was a shine to his eyes that softened the pain in her chest.

“Idalia said that?” Ambrose whispered. “I thought you left me because you loved her.”

“No.” A single tear fell from the corner of his eye. “I wanted to marry you. I still want to marry you, though I understand if you hate me now. All of this has caused so much pain. And now, Idalia is bringing back your family. Raising them from the dead as she has done with you, with the help of that no name god.”

“My parents?”

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