Page 28 of The Last Royal

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The clean scent that often clung to him had faded, only the musk of earth, sweat, and smoke remained. Ace still breathed it in greedily.

His large hands scrubbed at his face before he turned and looked Ace over fully. She was certain she was nothing but dirty clothes, tangled hair, and sleepless eyes. While Shelby looked vaguely refreshed despite his grievances about sleeping on the ground. His shirt was even still neatly tucked into the top of his pants and most of the dirt that had been on him came off after a light dusting. How was he still so handsome?

“Did you not sleep?” he asked. Ace wasn’t sure how his brows could furrow anymore than their permanent wrinkling but somehow they did.

“I was too busy thinking to be sleeping.” She tipped her head back, missing the stars in the sky now that all she could see with the simple baby blue of day. Her hair caught on the bark of the tree pulling as she turned her face toward Shelby. “Is this your way of nicely saying that I look like crap?”

“I rarely say anythingnicely.” But the ghost of a smile haunted his lips. “Also it’s true, you look terrible this morning.”


“I may be able to help with that.” His eyes bobbed from her gaze to her lips and a flock of birds took flight in the pits of Ace’s stomach.

She held herself still, the fear that if she moved the moment might be ruined and everything she thought was happening between them would dissolve into nothing. Her body melted with a fraction of relief when his lips met hers. A gentle, savored kiss.Shelby pulled away. The taste of him lingered on her tongue as her eyes fluttered back open. Sweeping a finger over her cheekbone, Shelby tucked a few strands behind her ear.

“There,” he whispered.

“Oh, I thought you might use some of your magic on me.”

The warmth of his breath fanned over her face as he chuckled a laugh. “I suppose I could do that. But you don’t look all that bad. Your hair is just,” he ran his palm over the back of her head, flattening a few unruly strands, “a little crazy.”

Ace leaned into him ever so slightly, just enough that their arms aligned and they could share each other’s heat. “Why did you flee with the Fae prince?”

She could tell he was chewing on the inside of his cheek, a habit she hadn’t noticed before. Or possibly it wasn’t a habit at all but an attempt to stall before having to answer. After all, he didn’t look all that regretful.

“I left to get us breakfast and ended up in yet another argument with my mother. I was at her home sulking when everything started in the city square. I knew instantly what was happening. As much as I wish my mother had never taken him in the first place, I believed that she was right. The prince could be used as a bargaining chip. Then I thought about how terrible it must be for you to have to kill your own sisters.” He sent a wayward glance toward Margo. “I thought that maybe I could find a way to gain freedom for the warlocks and also come up with something to get you out of this mess.”

“I’m afraid I’m the only one who can get myself out of this mess.” Sweeping her hair over her shoulder, she played with the frizzing ends. She poked her elbow into Shelby’s side with a smile. “Look at you trying to be sweet though. It’s a nice change of pace.”

He frowned. “Maybe don’t get used to it.”

“Underneath it all, you’re just a big old teddy bear aren’t you?”

“Don’t say that.”

“Sweet as candy at the center of your pitch black heart.” She jabbed a finger into his chest for emphasis.

Quick as lightning, he caught her hand in his. “Only for you.”

“What?” Ace smiled.

“Only for you am I soft or sweet. Don’t go saying it too loud or others might get the wrong impression.”

Her smile faded but only slightly before it returned. “You’re right, I wouldn’t want anyone to know that you’re secretly a nice guy.”

Shelby snorted. “I am not a nice guy. Rehan is a nice guy.”

The mention of Rehan’s name brought with it a drawn out silence filled with tension and unasked questions.

Ace was the first to speak.“You don’t give yourself enough credit.”

Shelby only rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. Ace didn’t have to come up with a response for her stomach growled furiously.

“Sorry.” She folded her arms over her stomach and tried to remember the last time she’d really eaten. They’d found a few berry bushes on their way to Marlux that they’d gathered handfuls from and chewed on as they walked. Other than that, food had been few and far between.

Oh, what I’d give for warm bread and honey.

You cannot live on bread and honey alone,Nathalian reminded her, though living on her own and often stealing from the little bakery owner, Ishaan, might have proved otherwise.

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