Page 23 of The Last Royal

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Guards moved but so did Ace. She didn’t turn back to see if Rehan or Margo had listened to what she said; she surged forward, blade stretching to its full length in her palm. Like a hot knife through butter, she cut through the first guard that turned toward her as she burst through the open gates. His body slid apart, falling in two uneven halves in the grass. Slick, red blood and a trail of organs spilled out into the grass.

She made for another.

White sparks trailed off the end of her sword as she swung in wild anger. Her movements were sloppy at best, compared to what Rehan could do, but she still managed to cut through another blade and cleave out a man’s heart.

“Wait!” Queen Idalia’s voice rose over the haze of anger inside of her. It echoed in her head like the voice of a god.

Those who had been in motion toward either Shelby or Ace, their armor shining in the sun, stopped. Keeping her sword poised in front of her, Ace ignored the demand and made her way to Shelby’s side. Small orbs of glowing orangish-pink magic swirled in his palms.

Queen Idalia smiled broadly as she faced her youngest sister. “Little Miss Aylee, come to finally grace me with your presence. Have you been enjoying your second chance at life?”

“You have no right to speak my name ever again. You murdered me, slit my throat like I was nothing but a beast meant for sacrifice.” She spit her words like venom. Oh, how she wanted to poison her sister with the anger she’d poisoned her with first.The splattering of blood, someone else’s blood, dripped into her eyes.

That perfect grin did not so much as falter, even as her eyes ran the length of Ace’s body. “You know so little of my plans for you. Come, join me in my castle, Sister, and I shall set things right. You do look awfully haggard.”

“Do not play god with me. I am not your creation to toy with.” Her hand trembled but she kept the tip of her blade pointed toward the queen.

“Oh, but you are.”

“You shut your mouth,” Shelby hissed at the queen from beside Ace.

The flames in the staff warmed until at their base they were blue and white. Fire pressed into the glass with nowhere to escape to despite its want. A ray of sun glinted off the ruby necklace that sat at the base of the queen’s throat.

“You do not command me, warlock. Your kind are good for nothing but grimoires. And even that isn’t always worth your existence.” Her lips twisted into a sneer, eyes pinned on Shelby while she spoke only to tick back to Ace. That harsh tone softened. “Aylee, now, with tensions rising, may not be the right time; come to me tomorrow. I’ll even let your friend go as proof of my good will.”

The Fae prince sat between them, slumped forward but looking through his long hair. Ace looked down only to be answered with another command from her sister.

“Leave the Fae.”

“Maybe I want to take him out of spite.”

A pretty chuckle bubble out of Queen Idalia. “Spite is a powerful thing but it turns a person wicked with its need.”

“Get up,” Ace whispered to the Fae prince.

With a grunt, he pushed himself up to stand. Ace stretched forward just enough to brush her fingers over his collar only to be stopped by an orb of light that pushed her back. Attention snapping up, she found Queen Idalia with her staff pointed for the prince.

“I said, he stays.”

With Shelby behind her, Ace eased backward, guiding them toward the gate. Pressure was building behind her eyes and expanding inside her skull. The gods were snarling beasts with no one to shout their grievances to.

Liar. Kill her.

Kill the queens.

Don’t walk away until it is done.

End this now! End it, Ace!

“I see that you do not trust me,” Idalia purred, settling both hands on her staff and relaxing into her stance. “Then let me prove my good nature to you, dearest sister. There is no need to run from here with your warlock and yoursword. No one here will harm you.”

As she said, not a single guard moved to reach for them as they continued to creep toward the exit. No matter what Idalia said, Ace couldn’t trust her. Not after everything that had happened between them. Trust was not possible.

“I’ll explain everything.” Idalia’s features were soft for once, as if she’d finally taken off the mask she wore day in and day out. Ace could see something of the older sister she once had standing before her.

“Someone will be here at your gates tomorrow.” Ace nodded before Shelby’s hand slipped into hers and the pair sprinted out of sight.

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