Page 19 of The Last Royal

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There was a seriousness to him that looked as though it had been carved from stone. This Shelby was a statue of scowls and furrowed brows. At this distance, Idalia was able to make out a thin strip of orange that ran through his iris. She sucked in her next breath, holding it in her chest as she glared.

What is he? Could he be what she thought he might be? Is he what Ambrose now was? What gods influenced him?

“I will…acceptyour deal.” Lifting her hand, she curled a single finger to beckon guards. “You may release your magic.”

Closing his fists, Shelby took a step away from her and the orange glow of the bindings fell away like dying embers. Prince Radeem sprung forward, teeth snapping and claw tipped fingers cutting through the air only to be caught by the guards who promptly bound him and dragged him away. That only left the queen and the warlock who watched each other with deep interest.

“You swear it?” Shelby whispered between them. When Idalia’s gaze only narrowed in response he added, “For Aylee?”

The name sounded odd on his tongue, as if he’d never said it before. And as soon as the question floated between them, Idalia had to hold back her snarl. Still, she inched closer. The light of her flames cast across her face, creating shadows as she neared.

“Do you know the one you speak of?” Her tone oozed with menace.

“I know you slaughtered her to gain the power that you hold now.”

This warlock was brave. With his steady attention, he stood bold and unwavering before her, waiting for a response. Queen Idalia smiled.

“Aylee is the only missing piece to my little puzzle. If only you would be able to see her again to deliver the message.” His eyes flared as before she turned and snapped at her guards. “Seize him. I want to kill him slowly.”


That little brat used her magic on me. Not even Shelby dared to try that.

Ace’s body felt cold and foreign as she waited. Her ears strained to catch any sound of Margo’s steps or to hear what the Fae might say. Sinking into her chest and plaguing her mind with the worst scenarios, fear for the girl ran itself ragged within her. Her eyes ached as she tried to watch Rehan from her peripheral vision.

Rehan remained calm, his breaths even and constant like the soothing sound of crashing waves. Every beat of her heart felt as though it moved in slow motion. Seconds felt like years while she remained pinned against the tree. And all she could do was wait.

With bark prodding against her body, Ace felt like a child once again. Like she was being forced to do something because of her parents’ wishes. Yet, she knew she couldn’t be mad at Margo, not really. If Ace could have done the same thing she would have, without a second thought. And for Shelby? She wouldn’t have thought at all, it would have been impulse.

“It’s him.” Two words. One voice.

The cold hand of magic that held her dissolved. Peeling away from the tree, her shoulders sagged while her chest and her face flushed red hot. Margo’s coarse braids fit perfectly under her chin as she swept the child up into a tight hug.

“Don’t you ever do that to me again,” Ace hissed, holding her out at arm’s length. “Do you hear me?”

The girl only gave a sheepish smile and a small nod before Rehan began steering them away. Farther and farther through trees and woods that had been undisturbed for so long they fought against bramble and brush.

“We need to move quickly because the Fae will be on his scent in minutes. We need a head start,” Rehan said.

“Where could he be going?” Ace wondered out loud.

“He’s moving that direction.” Margo pointed through the trees. “He’s cloaked them both from sight and muted their scent but he can’t erase the signature of magic he left behind. It feels just like my mother described.” She grinned but the smile quickly fell.

Eyes shifting back and forth, Rehan stared through the trees. How far could he even see? The corners of Rehan’s mouth turned down, shining sympathy alight in his eyes. “He’s heading toward Marlux.”

“Why would he go there?” To leave Glatton and make his way to Marlux…to the last queens. What was he doing? Ace’s knees went a little weak as she forced herself to walk over a bush with winter berries already budding.

“Perhaps he has a death wish.” Rehan was solemn as he pulled aside a low branch and allowed the girls through.

With wide eyes, Margo stared down at the ground. Her face was slack with worried wrinkles forming along her bunching brows. Ace thought she felt something similar as she thought back to the previous night. Everything happened so fast. So fucking fast.

One moment she had been toe to toe with Shelby in a fit of rage until he’d screamed ‘Because I love you!’ Then every feeling she’d ever pushed down had come rushing up and out of her, seizing control of her mind and body. He’d kissed her… so perfectly that even as they trudged through the woods Ace could feel her cheeks heat.

None of them were able to utter another word as they traveled through the woods until they stumbled onto a road and made their way through Marlux. Every so often, Margo would stiffen within the city and point them forward as they followed the little breadcrumbs of magic Shelby left behind. The closer they got the clearer it became that Shelby was making his way to the glass castle that loomed behind the beautiful buildings of Marlux.

The three of them looked more than out of place in a city filled with excess and wealth. If they had poor—Ace wasn’t sure that they did—they hid it well. Citizens passed in their frilly day dresses and proper suits and every single eye landed on their small group. A few miles in, Margo summoned the strength to wipe them all clean of the blood and dirt. It took its toll on the girl though as her pace had slowed. The slightest limp had the young witch’s steps uneven.

Margo gritted her teeth. Never once did she stop to complain. No, her sole focus was on the path ahead, her eyes jumping up to the looming castle before she would whisper a prayer. Neither Ace nor Rehan said a word as the girl’s voice came and went in their mind.

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