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Julian doeswhat any good friend would do. He buys Max time. He drags me in the opposite direction, giving him a chance to escape. And when I realize what's happening, I call him out on it. I can't be mad at Julian, though. The man is as kind as they come and sexy to boot.

After searching the house again, I finally spot Max out on the porch talking to someone. His back is to me, and I can tell the conversation he's having is serious. For a brief second, I contemplate leaving, but then I remember the reason I came, and anger begins coursing through my veins again.

Taking a deep breath, I slide the patio door open and step outside.

"There you are," I announce, Max's shoulder stiffening when he realizes he's been found. "We need to talk."

I attempt to keep my voice light and sweet, but I can hear the agitated tone I'm taking with him. I’ve never been very good at hiding how I feel. Especially my anger.

Max introduces us, taking a step away from me as he does. Smart man. He is within my grasp, and I have the advantage right now. I'm standing between him and his escape.

"It's nice to meet you, Piper. Sorry to steal Max away, but he's been avoiding me all night, and this is a conversation that can't wait."

Piper looks like she wants to burst into laughter as she walks away. Once we're alone, I lay into him.

"You need to stop sleeping with my sisters."

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm not sleeping with Cleo."

"Then how did you know I was talking about Cleo?"

Max's eyes go wide when he realizes the mistake he's made.

"Max," I growl, taking a step toward him.

"I saw you when I was leaving her room. I know you saw me. But it's not what you think. We were only planning the Halloween party, I swear."

"Then why were you in her room? And if you're not sleeping with Cleo, which one of my sisters are you sleeping with?"

"We were only in her room for five minutes—"

"That's sad."


"That you can only last five minutes."

"You have no idea what you're talking about. My stamina is—"

I fake a yawn which enrages Max. He screams through clenched teeth as he grips the railing behind him.

"This is none of your business anyway."

"It is my business because Cleo is my best friend, and I know you're sleeping with someone in my house."

"You should really stop listening to the gossip. It's not even that good anymore."

"It's not gossip if I saw you leaving in the middle of the night with my own two eyes. Friday before classes started. Ringing any bells?"

Max's eyes go wide as things start to click in place.

"Cleo wasn't home that night. She was spending the weekend with her parents. There were only a few of us who were in town. I can easily figure out which one of my sisters you hooked up with, but..." I let my voice trail off, assessing Max's composure before continuing. "I figured I'd give you the chance to come clean before I started digging. You know, in case there are things you don't want to get out. Like the fact that you're secretly sleeping with more than one girl."

"Mya, listen. I know you think you have everything figured out, but you don't. First, I'm not sleeping with Cleo. Let me make that perfectly clear. You can even confirm with her. We were talking about Halloween, and she was showing me theme ideas when her laptop died. We went up to her room so she could plug it in. She showed me what she had in mind, I disagreed with her idea, we fought over it for a few minutes, and then I left.

"Second, I'm not hooking up with a bunch of girls. And if I was stupid enough to do something like that, it wouldn't be with girls in the same sorority house. I know how you all like to talk. Finally, yes, I am sleeping with one of your sisters. One. And I have no intentions of telling you who, so don't bother to ask. And please don't go digging for the answer. We're keeping things casual and private. That's our choice. I hope you can respect that."
