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‘Are you saying you have never had a...? That you’re a...?’ He shook his head; evensayingit sounded ridiculous.

‘I’d say that’s none of your business.’ At least for once she was looking down on him, and boy, did she need all the advantage she could get.

‘And I thoughtIhad problems.’

‘I don’t have a problem—well, except you. I made a choice some time ago that I wasn’t going to expose Sam to a stream of uncles...and one-night stands are not my style.’

‘Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it,’ he drawled. ‘So weren’t you worried when we got married that I might want to take it to the next level?’

‘You mean sex? I’m a virgin... I can say the word, I don’t have hang-ups...and I was not worried, because if that was what you wanted I feel sure you’d have included how many times and in what positions in the small print; you covered everything else!’ she accused with breathless disdain.

His sloe-dark eyes glittered as he watched her lose it big time, the passion spilling from her... He watched the movement of her small breasts under the silk, making him think of them filling his hand—the perfect size. His heart rate slowed in time with the blood pouring in his throbbing temples and points south as he visualised those perfect breasts pushing up into him, her arms around him.

‘No hang-ups,’ he purred. ‘No fun.’

‘It depends on what you consider fun, and while we’re being frank—’ Some grain of sense slipped through the fog of fury in her head and she stopped dead.

‘By all means.’ His lean body rigid, he gestured for her to continue, and languidly crossed one ankle across the other as he pushed the chair back from the table with a loud scraping sound.

‘Your bed-hopping strikes me as pathetic,’ she flung at him. ‘It makes me shudder just to imagine anything’

‘Your prissy, judgmental, little virgin nose is quivering.’

‘And, for the record, no, I wasn’t even slightly worried because bemydecision, not yours.’

His narrowed eyes gleamed and he smiled, looking lean and dangerous as he shook his head in reproach and murmured, ‘Always polite to wait until you’re asked,glikia mou.’


SHESTOODTHERE,fists clenched, and shook her head, her body trembling with anger. ‘You are the most totally horrible man I have ever encountered!’

And once more with feeling, Tilda mocked the voice in her head. Nothing she said could make even the slightest impression on Ezio.

‘What’s the point?’ she asked, throwing up her arms in an attitude of defeat as she delivered a final dirty look before swivelling away sharply on her heels, the action causing the fabric of her dress to flare, tighten then flare again around her legs as she began to stalk away.

Ezio knew that the image of her retreating bottom outlined by silk would would stay with him... The heaviness in his groin was not going to vanish any time soon either.


Her teeth clenched as his mocking voice followed her. ‘Can’t you do better than that?’

‘You are...’ She twisted back and found he was no longer sitting down but standing, looking big, dangerous and beautiful, about six inches from her. The shock made her sway slightly.

His hands landed on her shoulders. The weight provided an anchor, the slow, sensual movement of his thumbs across her collar bones making it hard to keep her eyes open. Her neck felt too weak to support her head.

‘I am totally desperate.’ He moved one hand to her chin, bringing her face up to his so she could see the tension drawn into the planes and hollows of it. She could see the dark fire burning in his eyes. ‘I’m asking,glikia mou, so what’s your answer? Shall we add an amendment to that contract?’

Her lashes fluttered and she looked up at him. Needachedthrough her like a fever.

Feed a fever—wasn’t that what they said? Tilda was pretty sure it was actuallystarvea fever, but she decided the situation warranted a little poetic licence.

‘You’re asking?’ Her husky response was barely above a whisper. Her throat felt aching and tight.

‘I am.’ At this point he was so desperate beyond reason to shape her softness into him and sink into her, taste every delicious inch of her body, that he would havebeggedif necessary. The fact she was a virgin should have automatically put her off-limits. It was a responsibility that he should run from...or should at least have had had a ‘cold shower’ effect...but he was beyond cooling, beyond sense.

Tilda was shaking all over now, so hard her teeth were juddering as if she were someone with a fever; she was burning up from the inside out.

Like someone in a dream, she stretched up and took his face between her hands, her fingers cool against his warm skin. The warning voice in the back of her head was now the faintest whisper.

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