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Chapter Fifteen

Seth’s tale was as interesting as it was enlightening.

“Then you believe she’s being mistreated,” Charlotte asked after he was done. “That is why she asked for help in finding another post.”

Seth nodded. “I believe so, yes.”

Charlotte leaned back against the seat, her gaze dropping to her young grandson, still chewing on the cold handkerchief.

“If that’s so,” Charlotte asked, “then why has she denied wanting to leave ever since?”

At that, Seth only shrugged.

There must still be more to the story.

“I almost started looking for a new position for Emma after I first met her a couple weeks ago.” Had it truly been that long ago? It seemed hardly any time had passed at all. Yet, the days had each felt full to bursting. Time could be funny like that. “But she was so adamant that I not, that I confess I haven’t.”

“Well, she can’t stay in that house,” Seth said, helping Samuel reposition the handkerchief when it nearly got away from him.

“No, she cannot stay.” Charlotte thought for a moment. “However, if she is unwilling to accept a new post, there’s not much we can do.”

“Perhaps we should try talking to Lord Windham again.”

“We’ve tried.” Charlotte tried to keep the exasperation out of her voice but wasn’t overly successful. “He either shrugs it off or claims he helped her see how good her current place of work is and to be grateful.”

“Grateful to work in a house with a lout like that?”

“We have no way of knowing if Lord Windham was made aware of the difficulties Emma is having with Lord Biddle.”

“That is a fair point.”

They spoke on the topic for a time. But after a few minutes, Charlotte noticed Samuel’s eyelids getting heavy.

They dropped their voices to a whisper, and soon Samuel fell asleep, the handkerchief still clutched in his tiny fist. They stopped talking after that, so as not to bother Samuel.

The break from a fussing baby was a blessed relief for all in the household but did necessitate Seth remaining as he was on the settee for some time. If Charlotte wasn’t mistaken, it was only a few minutes after Samuel fell asleep before Seth did the same.

When Susan tiptoed into the room, saying she was here to take her boy so that Charlotte could get ready for that night’s dinner party, Samuel was still slumbering heavily against Seth.

Charlotte stood up slowly, careful not to disrupt either of the men. Taking Susan’s hand, they moved out into the corridor.

“Why don’t you and William go, and let Sir Mulgrave and me take care of Samuel tonight?”

Susan looked more relaxed than she had since arriving at Blackmore House. More still, Charlotte was enjoying her time with her grandson—the excuse to keep Seth around was an added benefit. Between the two of them, she was in no rush to end their time together.

“Go, enjoy yourself,” Charlotte said. “Come home and tell me all the latest gossip.”

Susan smiled, then leaned in and placed a quick kiss on Charlotte’s cheek. “Thank you so much. I cannot tell you how excited I am to be out among society again. Don’t misunderstand, I adore little Samuel. But, once in a while, it is nice to dress up and feel sophisticated for an evening.”

“Especially after being awake for many nights on end dealing with a grouchy baby, no doubt.”

Susan let out a sigh. “Especially then.”

With another quick hug, Susan hurried off to tell William the plans and ready herself for dinner.

Charlotte quietly slipped back into the parlor.

Seth rested in the same position he’d been in when she’d left him, only now both his eyes were open.

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