Page 62 of Fighting For It

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WatchingLuna’s mood deteriorate over the course of the evening was hard.

The way she said goodnight was disconcerting.

Finding out she’d cancelled her appointments today was almost as troubling as realizing she’d had Cole drop her off and ending the night at her doorstep.

Now I was staring at a text from her that had to be the briefest thing she’d ever said.

I can’t see you anymore.

I replied, asking for more, and got a system message that my note couldn’t be delivered. It was the same thing as I retried every thirty seconds, for the next several minutes. I paced the short span of my apartment, alternating between trying to call her and resending my text.

No answer.

I went to her apartment and hammered on the door until the upstairs neighbors told me she’d moved her things out a few hours ago, and said they’d call the cops if I didn’t leave.

The threat didn’t deter me. But if she was gone, there was no point in my being here.

Back home, I sank onto the couch and let disbelief wash over me.

What happened? I’d had Luna in my life again for such a short period of time, it couldn’t be over already. She and I had what I’d never dared hope for.

Did I love her? Without a doubt. For years, but it felt more real after the last few weeks. I adored the person rather than the idea, because getting to know Luna proved daydreams couldn’t hold a candle to reality.

I’d bet money she was with Violet, who I’d only met a few times when they were students. But Luna talked about her enough for me to know they were closer than sisters. Even if Luna wasn’t there, Violet would know where she was.

It was inappropriate for me to either call Violet or show up on her doorstep, but it would only take me a few minutes to find her phone number or her address. It didn’t matter that she was connected, I’d have the information quickly regardless.

GodI was turning into a stalker.

Did that stop me from seriously considering reaching out to Violet? For about two point five seconds.

The only reason I let the possibility drift aside was because someone was ringing my doorbell. Luna? I couldn’t help the hope that surged inside.

I peered through the peephole. Cole.

Not even in the same category as Luna, but not bad. I enjoyed his company far more than I expected when we met. I’d been grateful from that first day to see someone was looking out for Luna, and just as jealous of the way she looked at him.

I was happy to see him today, though.

“Where is she?” Cole asked before I finished opening the door. His demand was tinged with sadness.

I felt the sentiment on a spiritual level. I stepped away and he followed me inside, closing the door behind himself.

“You want something to drink?” I asked.

“No. I want to find Luna. You can’t tell me you haven’t looked yet.”

How was I supposed to answer that without being insulting? Of course I’d fucking looked. But I hadn’t exhausted all my options. “She’s obviously hiding. Digging deeper runs a high risk of pissing her off.” It was easier to tell him than to believe it myself.

Cole clenched his fist. “Seriously? This entire thing is bullshit. Don’t get me wrong, I love her dearly—”

My heart caught. I knew he did, but hearing it was a different story. Cole was as much competition as he was a friend. Luna didn’t see it that way, I believed her when she said that, but I hadn’t moved past sentiment.

“Fuck.” Cole sank into the same spot on the couch, in the same way, that I had a short while ago, head in his hands. “I should’ve said that to her before you. But it’s still bullshit. She’s hiding for our own good, and she doesn’t get to decide that any more than either of us.”

“I don’t have an argument.”

“It took her months to find you,” Cole said. “Tell me it won’t take you that long to find her.”

“She’s with Violet.” Though, now that I thought about it, Violet probably wouldn’t say so, even if one of us did approach her. I know I’d lie for Luna if she asked. Without question.
