Page 61 of Fighting For It

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“I’m not seeing Cole or Graham anymore.”

She frowned. “What happened?” She repeated.

I didn’t want to worry her, and I wasn’t ready to give details about the why. “It wasn’t working out.” Please don’t ask me for details.

Violet clenched her jaw. “You can tell me.”

“I know. Soon. Not yet.”

“All right.”

I couldn’t ignore her tone. Now I’d hurt someone else I loved. This sucked so hard.

Hunter was already at my place with his truck. Usually his easy smile and warmth brightened my day.

Today, I didn’t know if anything would ever again.

I didn’t own much. My furniture all fit in Hunter’s truck, and he promised to put it in storage for me. One more thing I owed someone for. My boxes went in the SUV.

When we got back to Violet, Hunter, and Ramsey’s condo, it didn’t take long to pack my boxes into a corner of the guest room.

Violet offered to order pizza, but I wasn’t in the mood to socialize.

“We’ll slide it under the door, if you prefer,” Violet said. “You’ve gotta eat, L.”

My stomach growled its agreement. “Okay. One more favor?” I had to force the words out.

“You know the answer is yes. Anything.”

I did, and that made me feel even worse for asking. “If anyone asks you where I am, unless it’s like law enforcement or something”—because that would be my luck—“don’t tell them I’m here?”

“So anyone means Cole or Graham,” Hunter said.

A fresh wave of doubt and pain shot through me at their names, and I nodded.

Violet scowled. She hated lying, which made this request even harder.

“Please.” I spoke as plainly and emotionlessly as I could.

“All right,” Violet said. She may not like it, but she’d do it. Her word meant everything.
