Page 53 of Fighting For It

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“First time I kissed someone the same gender as me, I was twenty.” A whisper of melancholy ghosted over Graham’s face. “Apparently college meant a lot of firsts.”

“I think you’re supposed to pick something you have a chance of winning at.” A week ago, Oz probably would’ve said that with more disdain.

I liked that things weren’t that way now.

“I think I’m supposed to pick something I want the answer to,” Graham said. “Why? Are you going to come back with ten? Mister Bear was an early bloomer?”

“Nope.” Oz popped on the p. “Same age as you. Twenty. I never let myself consider the possibility I might be attracted to men. Then one game release celebration, we were playing a game a little like this. You might be surprised to hear this, but I’m not one to back down from a dare.”

Graham stared back with mock horror. “You? No.”

I laughed, then shivered as a gust of chilly wind raced down my back. Clouds passed in front of the morning sun, shrouding us in shadows.

“How old, Luna?” Graham asked.

“Thirteen. Same first movie. D.E.B.S. And when I saw them falling in love on screen…” I sighed at the happy memories. “She tasted like Dr. Pepper lip gloss.”

“The sexy lady is the winner.” Oz boomed in an announcer voice.

“Which of us is the loser?” Graham asked.

Oz stared at him. “Don’t. Make me answer that.”

Graham raised an eyebrow.

I had my opening. “I get to dare you both. Ha. I want you to kiss.”

Graham raised the second eyebrow.

Oz didn’t hesitate. He captured Graham’s neck, holding him captive as Oz claimed his mouth. I felt the kiss from beside them. The pressure. The intensity. The mingling of tongues and deep throaty groans.

Watching them together made my pulse race and sent need dancing over my skin. Two guys together had never been a thing for me, one way or the other, but I could masturbate to Oz and Graham doing all sorts of wicked things to each other.

Something wet struck my cheek and I swiped it away, too enthralled in seeing this kiss to give it another thought. Then another raindrop landed on my cheek. And ten more.

The skies opened up and poured buckets on us.

Kisses in the rain were incredible. Water sliding down the sharp chisel of Oz’s jaw. Glistening in Graham’s short beard. I was surprised the water didn’t sizzle and turn to steam the moment it struck them.

Graham finally broke away with a groaning sigh. “We’re going to freeze out here.”

But it would be a happy freezing.

“That’s fair.” Oz released his grip on Graham’s neck.

We rushed to get the cooler and wet blanket secured in the back of the truck, before sliding into the cab. Sliding being the operative term, given our wet butts on vinyl seats.

I looked between them—Oz’s drenched and brooding versus Graham’s soaked and reserved—and joy bubbled up inside, turning to laughter. “Best. Day. Ever.”

My breath stalled when I met Oz’s gaze again and saw the heat in his eyes. He dragged a thumb across my cheek, brushing away the rain as he traveled a path down to my mouth. He tugged my bottom lip, and dipped in to nibble on the tender skin.

I sighed against his mouth. Was Graham watching us the way I’d watched them? Geez, I hoped so. The possibility lit my senses on fire.

Oz grabbed my wrist and moved my hand to his jeans, to cup his erection. “Graham got me started for you.” His voice was a rough growl against my lips.

“And I’m already wet,” I teased.

“I’d fuck you right now if I thought there was room for Graham to join us without someone’s legs cramping.”
