Page 28 of Fighting For It

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He chuckled. “Any other questions? I’ll answer them all.”

“I’m good for now.” Really good. I could even ignore that my career was about to once again be over before it started. But that wouldn’t be an issue, because we were going to fix things.


We chatted about little things on the rest of the trip. He’d left messages for a few contacts while I was in my apartment. I sent Violet a text and asked her for the same.

We reached Oz’s place, and Graham arrived a few minutes later. It was cooler up here, given we were in the mountains, but the sun was high enough to strike my face and warm my skin.

“We should do this on the lawn, out back.” Where I could see the little blue wildflowers and dandelions along the edges of the grass, that had significantly increased in number since I mentioned I liked them.

“We’ll get glare on the screens,” Oz said.

I shouldn’t be out in the sun too much anyway. I’d burn. “We’ll go inside when that happens. Or do you want me to beg?” I turned innocent eyes on Oz.

“So very desperately.” Oz’s voice dropped an octave.

Graham did that loud throat clearing thing.

I’ll beg you, too. The offer died in my throat. Fantasy, meet the reality of rejection. Apparently none of Graham’s actions or apology had erased that burning moment of humiliation from my mind. Go figure.

The tension flowing freely between Oz and Graham didn’t help. The feeling had lightened in the diner, but the drive seemed to be enough to restore it to its original, thought-clogging heaviness.

“I’ll grab a blanket,” Oz said. “Give Graham the mini-tour and pick a spot outside.”

I nodded. Impulse wanted to reach for Graham’s hand, and tug him through the main floor of the house. What good was an impulse if over-thinking stopped it before it started? “This way.” I jerked my thumb toward the rear of the house instead.

As Graham and I headed toward the yard, I pointed out the important things. “Bathroom’s down the hall. Help yourself to anything in the fridge. Glasses are in the cupboard to the right of the sink.” Oz gave me the tour once, and it had stuck in my head. It was terse but welcoming. I was still impressed he managed to pull off the combination.

We headed onto the deck. “Pick a chair. Power’s there.” I pointed to the outlets at the back of the house.

“You know your way around.” Graham’s tone was off.

He didn’t get to be jealous. He’d pushed me away. Still, I didn’t want him to not like Oz. I also wanted him to still want me.

“Everyone still dressed?” Oz called as he joined us on the deck.

Graham scowled. “You asked Luna to show me around and she did. The fuck kind of comment is that?”

The tension was back, hurrah. I stepped between the men, not because I thought they were might come to blows, but it felt appropriate to physically divide them.

“If you’re going to keep poking and prodding each other for a reaction, I’m not going to do this.” I wouldn’t. I couldn’t. “You’re supposed to be the adults here. Act like it.”
