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“I don’t know what I’d do with it.” He set it in thesellstack.

She reached across him, pressing her body into his, and grabbed the map. Reluctance filled him when she pulled away again. She folded the paper as carefully as it had been opened, and handed it to him. “The key’s useless without this.”

“They’re stories.” Despite his argument, he slipped the paper into the small stack of things he was keeping. “But it’ll look good, mounted next to the flag.” It wouldn’t hurt to hold onto a couple of memories.

Chapter Ten

Bailey settled ontothe couch, while Jonathan flipped through a shelf of DVDs and VHS tapes. “Does the VCR even still work?” he asked.

“Yup. Guy in town keeps—kept—it running for her. I don’t guarantee the tapes are still any good though.”

He held up a copy ofBill and Ted’s Bogus Journey. “That’s assuming they ever were.”

“She bought that for you.” Bailey had enjoyed pretty much the entire day—talking, delving into the past, touching on the present. It made her wonder why she couldn’t meet a guy like Jonathan.

He shelved the tape and continued through the stack. “I’m not claiming my taste was perfect, as a kid, but it was better than most people’s.” Teasing filled his words.

“Is thatSpeed 2I see up there, next toSpice Girls?”

They finished going through the attic a few hours ago and agreed they’d tackle his old room tomorrow. After seeing how much he chose to discard, she hated the thought he might throw out most of the toys and models lining the shelves, but it was his stuff. His choice.

He brushed his fingers over the spines of the tapes. “Okay—so I had my questionable moments. I’d still watch either one of them again... but not without a lot more whiskey on hand.” He reached the DVDs, and grabbed one of the first in the row. “Nowthisis a classic.”

Heat flooded her cheeks when she saw the cover toAmerican Pie, not because it was racy, but because it was one of the movies they snuck into, the summer he ran away, and at the meek age of fourteen, she’d never seen anything so raunchy. Unlike the VHS tapes, DVDs were only out for a few years before Jonathan’s last trip here.

“I can’t believe Nana owned something like that.” She managed to keep her voice even.

“This one’s all mine. I left it here because my parents were furious when they found out I’d seen it, and watching it again was the perfect rebellion.”

Thunder roared, accompanied by a sharp bolt of light, and the house went dark. “I think a higher power’s punishing you for your bold disobedience.”

“Let Him. Or Her.” Jonathan’s voice was closer than she expected, and his heat brushed her back. He draped his arms over her shoulders. “Won’t stop me from watching it.”

She pulled away with reluctance. “Technically, that’s exactly what it will do. Not that I’m complaining. Candles and flashlights are in the pantry.”

“You don’t want to see it?” Jonathan slipped his hand into hers. His bandage was rough against her palm, and the contact was pleasant. They felt their way toward the kitchen.

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