
Author: Nicolina Martin
Category: Romance | Erotic | Crime | Adult
Total pages: 124

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All my life, I’ve lived by one simple principle: Nobody tells me “No” and lives.

So when a little firecracker of a woman shows up on my front step to read me the riot act about how I run my operation, there’s only one way to deal with her.
That doesn’t mean I can’t have some fun, first.
Every day, I tease her, driving her mad with pleasure without giving her what she truly wants from me. And every night, I use her sweet body to feed my own depraved desires.
All the while, waiting for her surrender, for the moment she will truly be mine.
Because now that I’ve had a taste of her, the price for her defiance is no longer just her life. It is her complete submission, her freedom, her very soul.
And I will have my due.

*This book is a rerelease. Originally published 2019.*
Intended for an 18+ audience.

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