Page 18 of Reluctant

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Jodie spoke first. “You know how I am. Even over spring break, I can’t walk away from school. He was helping me study.”

It was the smart thing to say. A reasonable excuse, until Logan and Jodie could discuss how to best have this conversation. The flippant lie still dug into him.

“We thought we’d head up in a few hours. And yeah, drive together. Meet you at the condo,” Jodie said.

“Jodie.” Noah’s shout overlapped the sound of a doorknob latching open.

“Yeah?” she called back.

Logan was entirely too cynical to think this would get better before it got worse.

Megan and Dad exchanged a look Logan tried not to interpret.

“You know the walls in here are paper-thin, right?” Noah’s voice grew closer. “Theneighborsprobably heard you fucking…” He stepped into the living room, and his eyes grew wide. “Sorry. I didn’t realize you had other company. I… uh… need to get ready. I have to be someplace.” He spun away so quickly, he half-tripped on his feet.

At least thegetting worsewould be interesting. Logan mentally scowled at his sarcasm.

“Who are you fucking, hon?” A threatening tone ran through Dad’s question.

Megan rested a hand on his arm but glanced between Jodie and Logan. “Thewhois none of our business. You’re being safe, right?” She looked at Jodie.

“Of course.” Jodie’s reply was thin.

“Have you met the guy?” Logan’s dad turned a narrow-eyed gaze in his direction.

Logan didn’t like this deception. He was torn between saying something Jodie didn’t want revealed and proving he meant that he loved her. “As a matter of fact, I do know him.”

Jodie winced.

“Is he a good guy?” Duke asked.

“Depends on your definition ofgood,” Logan said, at the same time Jodie blurted out, “He’s the best.”

Some of his dread lifted. Jodie looked at him. He struggled for the right words or expression, to figure out if she was okay with announcing this.

She raised her brows and drummed her fingers on her leg. Fuck it. Their parents weren’t stupid, and he wasn’t interested in stretching out some convoluted facade. He stood and grasped Jodie’s hand. “It’s me,” he said.

Twin parental gazes of shock stared back.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Dad roared.

Megan smiled. “It’s about time.” His father looked at her with a scowl, and she shrugged. “I’m surprised they weren’t getting it on in high school.”

Pink spread over Jodie’s cheeks, and Logan swallowed a laugh.

“She’s your baby girl,” his father said.

Megan shook her head. “She’syourprincess. She’s my daughter and an adult, and I trust her to make her own decisions.”

“It’s not just sex.” Logan should have kept his mouth shut, but he was tired of that. “I love Jodie.”

Jodie squeezed his hand, and her flush deepened.

His father looked furious. “You’ve all lost your ever-loving minds. I’m not listening to this.” He stormed out of the house.

That wentmuchbetter than Logan expected.

Megan patted Jodie and Logan’s intertwined hands. “I’ll talk to him,” she said. “I’m happy for both of you.”

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