Page 39 of Unapologetic

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Horrified, I stared at him. “But why?”

He thoughtfully gazed at me before bestowing that signature gorgeous smile of his. “Because you’re the only one I care about. But most of all, you’re family, and I love you. I work hard so that someday you’ll enjoy it. I had these drafted last year. I always thought of you, even when you weren’t in my life, Cara. I hope this proves just how much.”

“What if I decline it?” I didn’t want to be the one reaping the fruits of his labor. We weren’t together anymore, and even if we saw each other as family, it just wouldn’t be right. “This is all too much …” Too much, too soon.

“You don’t have a choice. it’s already set in stone.” Seeking my hand, he took hold of it before bringing it to his lips. Placing his arm behind his head he then brought out entwined hands against his chest before moving his head to the side, glancing at me. “On a lighter note … Phoenix wants me to get into music. We’ve been playing and toying with some new songs for the past year, but last week, he’s been pushing me to get into it more.”

Phoenix was a DJ, but apparently, he was willing to do more than play and party at clubs. But crossing over could be catastrophic for River.

“How do you feel about that?” Music was and will always be his first love. He once told me that it was the other love of his life, apart from me.

“I’m still on the fence about it. Making an album requires one hundred percent dedication.”

He would have to take a hiatus in the movie industry. He had already made four blockbuster films and another one on the way. He already made a name for himself. Maybe it was the right time to indulge in what he loved most.

“You’d be amazing. I know you will. Your voice is beautiful. It’s raw, has depth, and it has a way of connecting into one’s emotions, to one’s psyche. Not a lot of artists have that gift, River. You’re obligated to share it to the world.”

He cocked his eyebrow at me. “Obligated?” He poked the side of my hip. “What else do I have to do for you, my petal? I love hearing you praise me.”

I was sure he did.

“You know what I mean, weirdo.” I couldn’t help it. I just had to kiss him, for reasons I dared not explore. “You love music more than acting; we both know that.”

“I do. I love both, but I can’t juggle it together.” He pondered before letting out a laborious sigh. “I’m in talks for another franchise after finishing TVM, so we’ll see.”

It was endearing that he was letting me in on his life this way. This was a behemoth move, and I was pleased he shared this moment with me.

“I really think you should pursue it. You might never get the chance to again. You’re so known now that your fans would adore you more if they know how sexy your voice is.” Sexy didn’t begin to cover it. I swooned each time he sang like a total besotted idiot.

“Oh, yeah? So, you think my voice is sexy?” He rolled me on top of him before kissing me, unrestrained.

“That came out wrong. You know what I mean,” I said sheepishly while he tightened his hold on me. Lovingly gazing at his face, I felt warm all over at the mere thought that I might fall in love with him without even realizing.

“Cara, stop blushing like that. It always gets me hard,” he pleaded before playfully stroking my inner thigh, beyond tempted to satiate his hunger that vividly showed in his eyes.

Licking my lips, I wondered if he was going to break his sentiment earlier about not having sex.

“I’m sorry. You know I blush so easily.”

“I know … Trust me, I know.” He snaked his other hand inside my shirt, seeking the soft mound of my breast, softly grazing it with the pad of his thumb. “I want you, and I know you won’t resist me if I try to take you, but not today, petal. As crazy as this sounds, I love just spending time with you. Nothing could trump sex, but this is the second best, and I’d rather wait until I see you next time.”

Since when did he become so good at controlling his sexual desires? The old River would only cease when I could barely walk to the bathroom.

“I have to fly out soon. Why don’t you come with me and drop me off at the airport, then my driver will take you home?”

We were reaching new territory, unchartered and definitely unfamiliar.

“I can get Uber. I don’t mind.” Maybe getting away from him would clear my thoughts. I hadn’t been thinking straight since he took off his clothes last night in the bathroom.

“I want to spend every second with you before I take off.” He took my hand and kissed each of my fingertips. “Also, I quickly dropped by a shop before coming home to get you something to change into. I hope you don’t mind.”

He went shopping for me? Now that was unheard of. River was always so attentive, but never to this extent.

“How’d you figure out my size?”

“Eyeballed it?” He smiled sheepishly before rolling me over to my back, him now on top of my willing body. “Now, woman, will you please spend these few hours with me before running off to your place? I won’t see you for another three weeks.”

If he weren’t being so cute, I would have probably declined him. “All right, if you really want me to.”

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