Page 24 of Jasmine

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“Yeah but you have four guys ready and willing to wait on you. Why not use their skill set?”

“And what are you going to do? Distract the intruder with sex.”

“Interesting idea, but I was thinking more that you could put these,” he flexes his biceps, “to good use. They’re not full of air you know.”

Now that he’s started flexing things I can’t think straight. Distracted, a small piece of tart goes down the wrong way and I cough, Oakley pats my back soothingly.

“See? You can’t help but get yourself into trouble. It’s a good thing I’m here.”

“Shut up,” I gasp, laughing and taking a drink to recover. He might have a point to be fair. “Tell me something else about you,” I prompt.

For the next hour we eat and talk, play with Jasper and laugh. Oakley tells me all about his work as a bouncer and how he came to be in Silver Springs around the same time as me. During the day he usually volunteers at the local hospital, reading stories and putting on plays, games and craft activities on the children’s ward. Apparently, the kids all love him and aren’t intimidated by his size at all.

“Although that might have something to do with the way they keep putting me in a pink tutu and face painting me into a princess,” he finishes, making me crease up with laughter. I can’t believe that this humongous sex demon is really a gentle giant with a big heart and mad cooking skills.

On impulse, I lean in to kiss him. The effect is instantaneous; like being struck by lightning. Where our lips meet, an electric current crackles, and actual sparks ignite between our lips. I feel tingles all over my body and know that my hair must have some major static going on. I’d be embarrassed, but the kiss is too distracting. I feel a pull deep down in my belly, like a thick purple coil is connecting me to this guy. His huge hands cup my face and he deepens the kiss, slipping past my common sense and my defences. He has me wanting to tear my clothes off right where I sit, and damn it, it has been a while.

It’s only Jasper’s barking that breaks the spell. I reluctantly pull away, breathing hard, and stare at the sexy incubus. Yes, the other guys are hotter than hell, but Oakley is off the charts and there’s something between us, something that’s almost magical…

“Hey! Did you use your sexy demon powers on me?”

“What? No! Why?”

“You must have! I don’t behave like that in public!”

“Nope, that was all you, sweetheart,” he tells me. He looks as shocked as I feel, so I’m inclined to believe him. “Wanna do this again?”

“Make out with you in public?” I blurt out without thinking, much to his amusement.

“Sweetheart, if you’re gonna kiss me like that again, we need to do it far far away from the prying public.” He laughs. “Anyway, what I actually meant was, another date.”


“Good oh? Or bad oh?”

“Yes. Good oh. Yes please to the date. In public,” I quickly clarify. No way am I safe to be alone with this incubus right now. Those arms alone make me melt. He should come with a warning label. Extra hot. Nice ‘n’ Spicy. Fucking flammable or something.

“I should be going,” I tell him. “But thanks for a great date.”

I give him a chaste kiss on the cheek which makes him laugh again, and then Jasper and I head back to the shop. It’s been an extra long lunch break, but that’s one of the beauties of being your own boss. With the shop quiet, I plan to spend a bit of time reading that damn romance novel that appears to be following me everywhere. And I absolutely will not be imagining that I’m the female lead, with Oakley as one of my co-stars. Nope, not even a little bit.

