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“I shouldn’t haveto learn of your impending arrest from your sister.”

Daniel Elliott leaned back in the chair behind the desk of his home office. It reminded me of mine, though something about his was less cold. His entire apartment was less so. Was it because of Vivian?

“I didn’t realize I owed you a report.” I sat across from him, though I wanted to leave if this was the topic of conversation. “If you’d have told me over the phone this was what you wanted to discuss, you could've saved me the trip.”

Beau had wasted no time calling him after lunch and had escorted me to his building. I knew when I'd arrived that was the purpose of the visit, and while it made me uncomfortable to draw him into my issues, I felt obligated to make my sister happy.

Daniel drilled his sharp gaze into me. I rested my ankle on my knee.

“I’ve been through this.”

“I’m aware.”

“Don’t make the same mistakes I did.”

“You’re free, aren’t you?” It was callous to diminish the gravity of his situation, but I could solve my own problems. And while I appreciated everyone’s concern, I was so tired of the subject being shoved in my face.

“I made a call to one of my contacts at the bureau.”

I dropped my foot back to the floor and leaned forward. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

It was one thing to loan someone money or give them a place to stay, but completely another to get involved in a federal investigation. He and I both preferred to keep a low profile. If he made an inquiry, even if it was off the record, that could shift some focus to him. I didn’t want him tangled in my mess any more than I wanted Beau or Teague involved.

“If you’d have bothered to mention the investigation, we might have been able to save you the hassle in the first place.” Daniel was a difficult man to read most of the time, but I didn't miss the irritation in his tone.

"I didn't know about it,” I said with annoyance. “And even if I had, you have a life, a family.”

He scowled. “And an incredibly obtuse friend.”

Why couldn’t everyone accept I could solve my own problems?

I sighed. “I appreciate your concern—”

“Cut the shit, Hollingsworth.”

I gripped the armrests. “All right. Stay out of it,” I snapped.

“Not a chance in hell.”

We stared at one another in a clash of wills. He and I weren’t afraid to be honest, but we'd never spoken to each other in such a heated tone. Then again, we’d never meddled in the other’s affairs.

I just wanted to forget the entire incident. Everyone else seemed determined not to let that happen.

Perhaps I should be more grateful, and part of me was, but mostly I was bitter about the entire situation. I shouldn’t take it out on the people who were attempting to help me.

“The potential charges completely blindsided me.” That was difficult to admit. I prided myself on being aware.

“Can you think of any reason they’d use you to get to someone else?”

I snorted in disgust. “Such as my father?”

“Maybe.” He steepled his hands.

“I fail to see how arresting me gets to him.” I slumped, exhausted with the constant grilling.

“A scare tactic.”

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