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“I guess I was wrong earlier when I said you were my person. You’re my barn.”

She laughed. “I’m supposed to be offended by that on so many levels.”

“But you can’t be because I’m so damn charming.” I gave her my best grin.

“What if you’d turned me away when I first came to you?”

“I tried. You wouldn’t take no for an answer.” I’d been too curious to resist her.

“I-I couldn’t do any of this without you.”

I kissed her forehead. “Sure you could. You’re the strongest person I know.”

“I don’t want to do it without you.”

“Lucky for you, I’m not going anywhere.”

“Someone want to tell me why I ran into Alma leaving the building?” Whitley strode in, briefcase in hand.

“Only if someone can explain to me why I can’t eat lunch with my person in peace.”

“Peace? You want to talk about peace?” He sat on the couch beside JoJo. “Do you have any idea the damage control I had to do after your little comment at dinner? That man haunts me, I swear.”

I cringed. “I’m sorry about that.”

“Well, it led to some amazing time in the shower. And the floor and—”

“Your wife is pregnant and you had her on the floor?” I asked incredulously.

He held up both hands. “She shoved me down and tackled me.”

I shook my head. “What does she see in you?”

“Whatevershesees inyou.” He picked up my abandoned lunch. “Is this Kung Pao Shrimp?”

Whitley didn’t bother to wait for my answer before popping a shrimp in his mouth.

“Now I have to eat vegetables,” I complained as I snagged JoJo’s chopsticks.

“You knew I was coming. Blame yourself you didn’t order me anything.” Whitley pulled his legal pad from his briefcase. “I’ll keep this generic so it can’t be misconstrued.” He darted his eyes to JoJo.

“Pretend I’m not here.” She plucked a mushroom from the carton.

“Your guy come up with anything on the two friends?” he asked around a bite of shrimp.

“Twenty-seven priors. Ranging from disorderly conduct to assault to arson. Neither have spent much time in jail.” I leaned back in my chair. “All of their arrests stem from protests of some sort.”

“Some people feel they haven’t done enough for their cause until they’re arrested,” JoJo said. “But most of the time it’s misdemeanors.”

“This isn’t a misdemeanor,” I muttered.

I’d received the report back from my investigator a half hour ago, and the news on Judd and Ezra wasn’t encouraging.

Whitley made a note and spoke without looking up. “What about the mother? Any history?”

“One arrest back in the eighties for public intoxication. Other than that, she’s clean. She’s been a housekeeper at a hotel for the last eighteen years. No write-ups. No trouble. Divorced the father about a year after the kid was born.” I tapped my chopstick on the side of the carton. “I’m still digging.”


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