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Tonight, I’d make sure Carlos spilled his guts so that we could take down his corrupt organization and put a stop to this reign of terror.

“I’m ready. I never thought I’d be happy to use the skills my father taught me but if it means tricking Carlos into squealing on the men he works for, so be it.”

“That’s my girl. And I’ll be close by, no matter what happens. No one will touch you.”

I kiss his chest, silently telling him I trust him. I know he’ll protect me.

We stand wrapped around one another, watching the sky change from light pinks over the mountainside to dark purples. It’s only when the chill begins to be too much for me that we go inside, waiting for the signal of unwanted guests.

When Lennox’s phone goes off with a soft vibration while we’re eating dinner, he pauses to give me a little nod before looking back at the screen. I know without him telling me that it’s go time.

They’re here.

And we’re about to rain hell on them.

Chapter Thirteen


I’ve missed this feeling.The zing of anticipation while waiting for an enemy to fall into your trap. The thrill of knowing your mission comes down to one moment, one minute, one second of quick thinking and outmaneuvering. The feel of cold metal in my hand, ready to protect the woman I love at all costs.

Night has fallen and from my perch up in a tree just north of the house, I can see Katrina sitting on the front porch. Her figure is barely a shadow, the only light right now from the moon and the lamps inside. She’s reclined in the big chair, looking the picture of relaxed. I smile, knowing her hand is clutching a gun under the blanket she has over her lap.

Cohen and Connor are on the grounds too, watching the approach of the four white vans as they make their way up the mountain. Only one of those vans is going to make it through. The one Carlos is in. The others are about to experience some…rocky terrain.

“I’ve got eyes on collateral two, three and four. Confirmation your guy is in vehicle one,” Cohen’s voice comes in clear over my earpiece.

Keeping my gaze on the horizon of the driveway, I confirm he’s clear to get rid of the tagalong posse.

“Let’s blow their minds,” Connor jokes over the line. I shake my head at his antics. I swear I can hear Cohen’s eye roll at his younger brother.

“In three, two—”

A loud bang sounds, making the earth shake. From my vantage point I can’t see the sky but I can tell from Katrina’s little giggle that there’s smoke over the tree line. She doesn’t move to look in my direction, something we talked about when planning for this event, but she does give a small dip of her head, indicating that she can see the aftermath.

Part of the road has now been blown up. Not enough to completely damage the surrounding forest, but the road is now impassable.

“Collateral two, three and four are down. Carlos is still en route. I repeat, still en route. I’m in pursuit.”

The fucker didn’t even stop to check on his men. It’s something we anticipated but still, that’s cold.

Touching my earpiece, I request an update from Connor, who’s at the halfway point to my property.

“Connor, do you see the van yet?”

“Confirmed, but it’s stopping. They’re approaching on foot. Keeping to the main road but to the east. Should be in your eyeline in thirty.”

Seconds later I can hear the footfalls of at least four men. When they come into view, my smile grows at their unwarranted confidence. I identify Carlos immediately. He’s hard to miss, matching Katrina’s slimy description to a T. He’s also bossing his men around, yelling like he’s the only one in the area.

For someone who’s made his living off the misfortunes of others, he has no clue how to be subtle.

“I have eyes on Carlos. His men are splitting up. Two staying on the east side, two to the west. Carlos is approaching up the lane.”

Both of my friends respond that they were in position and on standby.

My lip curls as I watch Carlos approach the cabin, knowing any second Katrina would be in his sights. He is grinning, like he’s about to win some big prize. Rubbing his hands together then running them down his three-piece suit—which was a ridiculous thing to wear in the forest, but ego came first for the man clearly—he waltzes up to my property. The idiot doesn’t even draw his gun.

Katrina doesn’t make a move as he approaches the front of the house, giving the illusion that he was about to take her unawares. What a fool he was.

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