Page 55 of Chance of Sprinkles

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“Babe,” Grant says the same time Luna shakes her head on an unamused chuckle.

“What? It’s not like we could live here now. Not with everything destroyed and, well, the bad memories.” It was the truth. I don’t know why they weren’t agreeing with me.

“I guess you’re right. I wouldn’t be able to sleep here. Especially not alone. And there is no way these walls would hide you two…you know.”


“What?” The little brat gets up and walks over to a large suitcase that I recognize. Grabbing the handle, she raises her eyebrows at Grant. “Hope you don’t mind me staying with you for a while.”

Placing his hands on his thighs he stands up, giving my sister a small smile. “Not at all. You’re always welcome.”

“Of course you’re staying with us dummy! That’s what I meant when I said I was moving out.”

“Sure Lex, sure.”

I follow Grant, making a quick detour to check out my room and to see the extent of the damage. I was shocked when I found my room almost untouched. Only the clothes I had hanging in the closet where tossed on the floor. All my furniture and personal items were untouched. Quickly grabbing the one large duffle bag I had, I shoved clothes and some other stuff I would need to stay with Grant long-term. We would have to come back and sort all this crap out before our lease ended sooner rather than later, but we had a couple months before we needed to worry about that.

Hoisting the bag over my shoulder, I hobble out of my old room and walk to Grant. Him and Luna have their heads down, sharing some secret joke. When they see me coming, they straighten. I don’t ask what’s so funny. I’ll let them have it. My heart feels so full it could burst. Seeing the two people I love most in the world getting along, laughing, makes me so happy. I could explode into a million colorful sprinkles!

Grant takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. Today has been a whirlwind, filled with drama, horror and disappointment. Yet, as I turn back one last time from the doorway of the apartment, I smile. I know where I came from, how I’ve grown into the woman I am today. I have faith in the future that awaits me. This apartment was the first stepping-stone to a better life. It helped me keep Luna safe, helped me learn to budget and balance multiple jobs. It saw laughter and tears, and so many good times.

While today would stay with me, this apartment and the memories it held weren’t tarnished. It was still a space of love. And I knew love would always lead the way. The door clicks closed. I turn the lock, and I walk hand-in-hand with my loves.



Six months later…

“Full class tonight ladies!” I say, sauntering into the kitchen. Raising the clipboard I’m holding in the air, I dance in celebration. Belinda and Cassidy turn from where they’re kneading dough and laugh at my antics. Spinning and pumping my arms, I flail around the kitchen like a possessed chicken.

“What the heck is wrong with you,” Cassidy scoffs, a smile slowly growing across her face.

“What? It’s a good day. Let me dance, wench!”

“Should you be talking to your boss like that?”

“You know you love it,” I sass back.

Shaking her head and laughing, Cassidy turns back to her dough.

“You ready for tonight Bee?” I ask, turning to Belinda.

“So ready. I can’t believe how fast this class filled up. Didn’t we only announce it on Monday?”

“Yup. But it doesn’t surprise me. A unicorn cake class was a brilliant idea.”

In the months since I pitched the baking class idea to Cassidy and Harrison, things have taken off. I’m now the Assistant Manager of the bakery and the Master Class planner – a title I gave myself when I was given the thumbs up to test out the idea. The test period only lasted a month before being made a permanent part of the Bake, Rattle & Roll business. Class sign-ups exploded so fast that we had to start turning people away. Now, we offer three classes a week and have hired on a new baker to help us keep up with orders. Harrison and August moved out of the loft upstairs and we easily converted the open concept space to feel like a class kitchen. Things were really heating up around here.

“Mmm, unicorn cake,” Cassidy hums to herself, placing a hand on her slightly rounded belly. Her wedding ring gleams at me as she begins to rub. “I could really go for some vanilla frosting.”

Belinda and I smile at each other. Since becoming pregnant, a happy surprise for Cass and Bax, she’s developed an even more intense sweet tooth. I didn’t think it was possible, but it’s happened. At all hours of the day, you could now find Cassidy munching on a cupcake or leftover frosting. The only downside was that she burst into tears if you asked her for a savory treat instead of a sweet.

We’d all had to work together with Cass’s husband to figure out a way to get her to also make a savory donut on top of the multiple sweet ones she made. That had been a hellish day.

It had been Harrison’s fiancée, August, who had found the perfect way to broach the topic with her – thank goodness. No one could stay mad at August for long. She was a great mediator and had a calm air about her that made conversation easy. I really liked her. So when Harrison popped the question on New Year’s, I’d been thrilled for him. It was amazing to see how my friends had changed with the people they loved. Gone were the long nights of baking and the workaholic tendencies. The business was thriving and with loved ones waiting for them at home, they no longer rolled their eyes at vacation days or long weekends.

The swinging kitchen door opens as Harrison calls out, “Hey Lexi, we still watching the game at your place tonight?”

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