Page 53 of Chance of Sprinkles

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“Maybe not. But you just can’t go over there alone, thinking to save her.”

I understand what he’s saying but I need to get over there. Now. My anxiety is growing with every second that passes. I open my mouth to tell him there’s no time when he says something that stuns me. “Let’s call Cassidy. Her boyfriend is a cop right?”

“A detective,” I correct.

“Let’s call them, get his take and get backup if we need it before we head to Luna.” I’m nodding, unlocking my phone before he’s done talking. Giving him a quick kiss as the phone rings, I prepare for what’s to come.


I stare at the door in front of me.

I don’t think I’ve ever really looked at this door. Studied it the way I am now as I prepare myself. The blue paint is chipping in one corner and the number five that’s affixed to the wood is on a bit of an angle. Six years ago, this door had stood for a new beginning. Six weeks ago, it became the doorway to multiple disasters. And now, well, it led to the unknown.

Taking a deep breath, I shove my key in the lock and turn the handle. I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t complete silence. My eyes scanned the area, looking for Luna.

“Lu-Lu,” I call into the apartment.

A floorboard creaks off to the side. My eyes flare in surprise as I watch Luna slowly walk out of my room…with a gun to her head.

“What the—”

“So nice of you to finally join us.” Frozen in place, daring not to make a sudden movement in case Luna got hurt, my eyes follow as a woman who looks oddly familiar walks a silently crying Luna into the middle of the room.

I recognize the woman in front of me, but the years have not been kind to her. Her hair has thinned to a dull blonde now, her frame too skinny to be healthy. But the hardness of her eyes, the same brown that stared back at me each day, bore into me. There’s so much hatred.

“Hello mother.”

Donna Anderson glares back at me.

“Hello,” she sneers, pressing the gun harder into Luna’s skin. My sister is visibly shaking, her arms tied in front of her. The gun moves around her temple as our mother continues her rant. “If you had picked up any of my fucking calls, I wouldn’t have had to go to such extreme measures.”

“We haven’t spoken in over ten years. I didn’t even know you had my number.”

“Ohh,” she mocks in a high-pitched voice, “look at me all high and mighty. Spread your legs for one rich asshole and ya think you’re the tits.” She spits at me. “Fucking waste of air.”

Her words roll off me. It’s not anything new from her. When I was younger, I might have taken them to heart, but I know better now. I was a strong woman, who was loved by some amazing people. I wasn’t going to let her hurt me with words.

“Let Luna go.”

“No. Not until you give me my money.”

“Your money?” I’m very confused.

“Yeah.Mymoney. You married rich, so I’m owed some money.”

This was why she was here, threatening us at gunpoint? Because she believed I was married to Grant and had access to his money? Shame consumed me. I couldn’t believe I shared genes with this selfish woman.

“Grant and I aren’t married, Donna,” I reply slowly, looking at Luna and trying to reassure her that everything would be okay. Her watery eyes blink back at me in understanding. I won’t let anything happen to her.

“Bullshit!” she flails her arms, letting go of Luna. Her anger is distracting her. My sister takes a tiny step to the side. “I saw! I saw those papers. They’re everywhere. You’re holding out on me you bitch. I brought you into this world and by God I will end you too.” The gun aims back at Luna, but she’s moved so far away from Donna that her arm hits nothing. Shock takes up her features before rage engulfs her.

“HELP!” I scream. And just liked we’d agreed on, the two cops who had been guarding the door and watching over me, rush into the room, guns drawn.

“Freeze! Police! Down on the ground!”

“The fuck?” Donna cries before her arm is restrained by one of the men. The gun falls to the floor in a loud clatter and is kicked away. I run for Luna. As soon as I grab her, bringing her into the safety of my arms, she sobs. Her legs give out and we both fall to the floor.

I press her tighter into me, trying to block out the enraged screams of our mother being taken away. Another pair of strong arms come down around us, protecting us from above. Grant. He had put up a fight to be allowed into the apartment with me. But not knowing the situation I would be walking into, Bax’s partner Shane Willink, wouldn’t allow it. Of all the scenarios we had talked about, my motherwith a gunhad not been one of them.

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