Page 49 of Chance of Sprinkles

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“I’m sick.”


“And you invited your parents over.” He still looks completely lost. “I’m at my weakest right now, looking like shit on a stick andthisis the time you think is appropriate to have them over? Please tell me they don’t know I’m here and I can just hide in here.”

Placing a hand on my sheet covered leg, he gives it a squeeze. “You were sick, and I wasn’t confident in my skills to take care of you properly, so I called my parents. As soon as I told them you were sick, they insisted on coming over to help.”

My head falls backward, moaning at the ceiling. “So, they know a sick woman is in your bed.”

“They know my girlfriend is sick and staying with me so I can take care of her. Also, because your apartment was hot as balls.”

Crap. I’d forgotten about that.

Lifting my head off the pillow, I’m about to go on another tangent with Grant when Prince catches my eye. He’s slowly prowling closer to me, not caring that he’s about to step on some delicate places. Prince is a fitting name for this beast. Grant’s parents named him well. There is something about him that screams stuck-up royalty with a splash of elegance. My fingers run through his soft fur as he settles in a regal position on my stomach. I don’t need that kidney to function anyway.

“He’s cute,” I say reluctantly. I don’t want the words to go to the feline’s head. He already acts like the king of the castle and he doesn’t even live here.

“He’s a pain in the ass,” comes a voice from the doorway, “but don’t tell Linda I said that.” A man that strongly resembles Grant but with gray hair and thick black framed glasses, ducks into the room. His smile is kind but curious as he opens the door a bit more to show his large frame.

A part of me wants to yank the covers over my face so he can’t see me, but I know that childish trick won’t work. I run both hands over my face in a tired and frustrated manner before gliding them through my hair. With that action I symbolically take all my worries and push them away. I don’t need to be nervous to meet his parents. This is natural. Totally normal. I’m not going to let myself dissect the magnitude of this event right now. I will not overthink this.

“Hi,” the man says with a small wave, “I’m Chuck, Grant’s dad.”

“Hi Chuck, I’m Lexi. Sorry that we had to meet under these circumstances.” I glare at Grant.

His hand bats the air. “It’s me who should be apologizing. I tried to talk Linda out of coming, knowing you wouldn’t be up for visitors, but I couldn’t stop her. She worries. And I love that woman too much to fight her on much.”

Aww. Now I understood where Grant got his sweetness from. This man was as large as his son, muscular and broad. But all those muscles hid a kind heart of gold. I couldn’t stay mad at him for long.

Prince has now climbed onto my shoulder, enjoying the pillows that are stacked up behind me. Grant rolls his eyes as he sees what’s happening, but I stop him from moving the little devil. His soft fur against my ear feels nice.

“Chuck, what are you doing—Oh! You’re awake!” A blur of color zooms my way. I’m still processing who has joined us when arms come around me, squeezing me tight. The smell of vanilla engulfs me. It’s soothing in a mystical way. One of my arms is pinned in the hug, so I awkwardly bring the free one up to pat Grant’s mom on the back. Angling my head so that I can see Grant over her shoulder my eyebrows rise. He shakes his head too.

“Oh, you poor girl. Getting sick in the dead of summer is horrible. But Grant told us that you volunteer at a daycare. The kid kind, not the dog. I know you do that too. This had to have come from a little one. And you also had to deal with that break-in at the bakery.”

“Or this is a sign that she’s been pushing herself too hard over the last couple days,” Grant says.

If it didn’t hurt my head right now, I would roll my eyes at his comment. I have been spreading myself a little thin, but I needed to keep myself occupied right now. With what happened with Cassidy, I needed all the distractions I could get. My mind often wandered to what would have happened to her if I had just stayed a little longer at the bakery instead of running off. Could I have helped her fight off her attacker? Would he have even dared to come into the shop if another person was there?

Ah! It didn’t help to think about something that couldn’t be helped. All that mattered was that Cassidy was safe and had gotten her happily ever after. My silence doesn’t stop Linda from firing back. “Oh hush. You’re one to talk about pushing themselves too hard. You would still be locked away in some gym if it wasn’t for this girl. She’s bringing you back to life.”

“Linda,” Chuck warms in a loving voice. “Let’s leave these two alone for a bit and start on dinner.”

Linda hesitates, still patting my hair and rearranging the sheets around me, but she reluctantly nods. Giving my arm one last squeeze, she gets up and heads to the door. When we’re alone again, I let out a long breath. Fatigue is hitting me again.

“I still can’t believe you called your parents.”

“I wasn’t taking any chances with your health. I know how to take care of myself when I’m sick but with you…I don’t know. I panicked. I realize now I went a little overboard, but I needed the reassurance when you were sleeping like the dead and didn’t stir the entire time I carried you up here.”

Rolling my dry lips together, I admit that would be scary. If he got sick, I would probably freak the same way. Only I didn’t have anyone to call.

Alright, enough with the sad thoughts. I give him a weak smile. “It’s okay, I guess. I’m just not used to so much…attention.”

“I know baby.”

“I’m tired,” I mumble. Prince begins to purr beside me, comforting me as I close my eyes.

“Rest Pixie. I’ll be here.”

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