Page 47 of Chance of Sprinkles

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The next time I wake up my whole body is shaking. I’m freezing. Clinging to the blankets around me, I look around and see I’ve been moved to my bedroom. Why the hell does my bedroom feel like the arctic?

“Grant?” I call out, wondering if he’s still here with me.

A pan clatters in the kitchen. “Hey, you’re up.” His massive frame is silhouetted in the doorway.

“Why-why is it so cold in here?”

Stepping farther into the room, he takes a seat beside me. My body rolls towards him slightly but I welcome the warmth of his touch. The look he gives me is confusing as he brushes back my hair. It’s then I realize that he’s only half-dressed. Not that I mind – his body is a muscled masterpiece – but he’s never walked around shirtless for the hell of it. My eyes slowly travel down his chest, taking in every ridge and bulge. Wait. Is he…?

“Are you sweating? Did you just workout here?”

“Hate to break it to you, but it’s the apartment. With your A/C broken the temp is only getting hotter in here.” His words take a bit to sink in. My body is still shaking with chills so the fact he’s sweating just standing in my kitchen is baffling. “I was actually just waiting for you to wake up before I moved us to my place.”

“You-your place?”

He nods, a hand coming up to my forehead. “Fever’s still there,” he says more to himself than me. “Let’s get you in the shower to cool you off and then I’ll take care of the rest.”

“Cool off?” I croak. “I’m cold.”

“That’s the fever Lex.”

I moan, knowing he’s right but not liking the idea of a cold shower when I feel on the brink of hypothermia.

“Come on, let’s shower then head to my place.” He must see something in my eyes at the mention of us taking a shower together. “You’ll be showering alone. No funny business while you’re sick.” When I don’t immediately move, one of his cheeks bunches in a small grin, amused at my stubbornness. Gently, he wedges his hand under me and pushes me up into a sitting position. Eventually, I help him, dragging my body from bed to the bathroom.

The short walk has me exhausted. I collapse on the tub rim, needing to sit and catch my breath. Grant soothes me with gentle touches before turning away to start the shower. With my elbows braced on my knees and my head down, I breathe through the dizzy spell.

“I got you baby. Don’t worry.” I’m a rag doll as Grant carefully undresses me and helps me stand in the shower. Both of his arms are supporting me as I stand, shaking, under the soft water spray. He’s not in the shower with me but Grant is definitely soaked from helping me. The cool water on my skin is shocking and only makes me shake harder. When I’ve stood under the water for a handful of minutes, I grip Grant’s arm as a signal I’m done.

Lifting me out of the tub and wrapping me in a cozy towel, I sit back on the rim as Grant goes about turning off the shower and getting me clean clothes. I don’t remember much of the afternoon after that. Getting dressed is a blur but I do remember him telling me to lay down as he packed a bag for me. After that, the journey to his car is a bumpy haze. But I know I’m safe with Grant and let myself fall into sleep again.


NHL Nurse


I have no idea what I’m fucking doing. Is it normal for someone with the flu to sleep this much? Does Lexi even have the flu or am I just assuming that’s what this was? I am way over my head right now.

Glancing over at her passed out in the passenger seat, I reach a hand out to feel her forehead. I keep doing this, hoping for a better result each time but she’s still hot. The only thing I remembered from colds as a kid was that breaking the fever was important. As soon as I got her back to my place, I was going to call my parents. They would know what to do.

Lexi doesn’t stir as I park underground and gently lift her. I thank every power in the universe when we get on an empty elevator and go straight up to my floor. I didn’t need anyone calling the police on me with suspicion of kidnapping.

Ten minutes later, Lexi is settled in my bed with a glass of water and a sports drink beside her just in case. Not taking my eyes off her, I back out of the room, listening for the smallest sound of distress. Once I’m in the kitchen, I pull out my cell and dial my parents. No one picks up. I leave a message telling them what’s happening.

Shaking my head at the absurdity of them not picking up the phone – where the hell were they? – I go to the next best source of information: Google. The search comes up immediately and it’s clear to see I am not prepared for a cold. I needed to pick up meds, lots of medicine.

Rubbing the back of my neck I think about what to do. There’s no way I’m leaving her alone while I pop out to grab shit. Pulling up another app on my phone, I start to fill my cart with everything that’s recommended and some other things I’m not sure of but think we might need and checkout. I pay extra for the express service, guaranteeing that someone will deliver all my goods within the hour. With that done, I let out a breath of relief.

Heading back to the master bedroom I find Lexi exactly as I left her. Before getting into bed beside her, I detour to the bathroom and dampen a facecloth with cool water. Another helpful tip from the internet. When I place the cloth on her, Lexi makes a soft hum which I take as a good sign. Grabbing the sports drink that sits to the side, I carry it to my side of the bed. I know that if she wakes up, she may not be able to drink by herself yet. As careful as I can, I crawl onto the bed and settle in. Resting against the headboard, I twist to the side to get my cell out of my back pocket. It vibrates in my hand. I wasn’t going to look at it, focused on Lexi, but when it vibrates repeatedly, I twist my wrist so I can see what’s happening. Oh, someone has begun picking up my order. Thank Christ.

This is definitely not how I saw the afternoon going. I had just finished my second workout of the day with the team and was talking to our team’s resident physiotherapist about an ache in my shoulder when Lexi’s name lit up my phone. Thinking she was calling to update me on her A/C situation, I picked up immediately. The male voice over the line completely confused me. I had to look at the screen again to confirm it was Lexi’s number that was calling me and I hadn’t imagined it. My confusion was cleared up pretty fast with the man telling me that my girl was sick and shouldn’t be left alone. I don’t think I’ve moved that fast without skates on in years.

This should feel strange, shouldn’t it? Taking care of someone that I’ve only known a couple weeks? Yet, I’m protective of Lexi. I have no hesitations or concerns over taking care of her. I know she would do the same for me. Hell, she’s already taken care of me in ways I didn’t realize I needed. Her sassy personality keeps me on my toes, disrupts the status quo I have been living in for the last two years. Thinking that laser focus was the only way to achieve what I wanted. Did it help? For sure, but I also could have let more people in. Lexi has shown me that I can extend my bubble of trust a little more.

“Grant?” her voice shakes me out of my thoughts. Twisting my body towards her, I see her eyes fluttering open and locking on me.

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