Page 14 of Chance of Sprinkles

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“What is wrong with you right now? We’re in the middle of a heatwave and you’re sitting in here with like ten blankets over you. Are you sick?”

“No, I’m not sick. I’m wallowing.”


“Yes, Luna. Wallowing,” I reply back with a stern tone to my voice. “It’s been a long day with a donut emergency, getting stuck in an overly hot elevator with celebrity Captain No-Cheese and now I would just like to be weighed down by blankets and eat the entire contents of our fridge. Is that too much to ask?”

Luna jumps on the end of the sofa, making my body jerk upwards on the cushions. Thank goodness my blankets keep their placement. “Wait. Did you run into the gym hottie again? It’s fate! Tell. Me. Everything!”

“That’swhat you want to know? Nothing about the donut emergency or my near meltdown in an elevator?” It annoys me that my sister knows me so well and understands my crazy phrasing.

Luna waves a hand at me, unconcerned with my list. “The donut emergency was probably Cassidy freaking out over being low on bacon or some such nonsense and the elevator thing is just your luck. You and tiny spaces never get along. No, tell me more about the man with the ass that doesn’t quit. Mr. No-Cheese. Younevercall anyone hot and the fact that this guy has you so twisted up – two freaking days in a row! –andyou’re eating your feelings under blankets isverytelling.”

“Hey! I eat my feelings all the time. Just the other day I cried into my burrito as I watched the last episode of Schitt’s Creek.”

“Lexi! Oh my God, just admit it. A guy got to you. Now tell me how he’s reduced you to this. Do we need to sort out our alibis?”

Sneaking a Pringle up through the blankets, I hide my smile while shoving the entire chip in my mouth. I love my sister. She is such a fierce badass and my best friend in the whole entire world. We’ve been through a lot of shit, but we’ve always made it out together. There is no one else I would willingly share my hidden chocolate stash with or go to war for. The fact that she was immediately on my side about Grant made the weird mood I was in lessen somewhat. But I wasn’t ready to leave my blanket pile yet.

“We don’t hate him,” I tell her begrudgingly. “He was a good guy.Isa good guy. It was just…I don’t know…it felt like something was happening between us, but I was wrong.”

“Why were you wrong? Was he not into you too?”

“Geez Luna. Way to perk a girl up. Yes, he was into me. Who could not want this,” I use my free hand to gesture to my blanket-piled body. “At least I got the vibe he was. He asked for my phone number. But it doesn’t matter, okay? Because he was way out of my league, and it would never work.”

“Hold up. Stop. No one istoogood for you. You’re the shit. Who would willingly push you away?”

“A famous NHL player.” Luna makes a rude sound, not believing me. “No, really.”

Staring at me she tries to figure out if I’m lying. When I don’t look away but continue to eat my chips, her look of disbelief morphs into astonishment.

“Fuck. Really?”

“Watching your fucking language Luna.” We both stay silent for a second before bursting out laughing. “And yeah, really. We got stuck in the elevator together and Grant was visiting the company I was making a delivery for.”

Before I’m done talking Luna is reaching for her phone and typing away. “Holy crap.Thisis the man you were stuck in an elevator with?” She hums her approval as she holds her phone out to me. There, staring back at me with a familiar scowl on his face is Grant. I swear my heart skips a beat as I take in the picture of him. He’s sweaty, shirtless and looking so good my fingers start to tingle with the need to stroke the screen.

“And you didn’t give him your phone number?”

“I was about to, but Bitchy Barbie yanked me out of the room with her talon-like fake nails and then dropped the celebrity bomb on me. I had no choice but to get out of there.”

“God, there’s always a Bitch Barbie around to ruin a good flirting session.” The tone of Luna’s voice tells me there’s more to that story, but I don’t prod. Unlike me, my sister is a vault of secrets. She’ll only reveal what she’s willing to in her own time.

I sigh in agreement. “Anyway, it’s for the best. Can you imagine me with a guy like him?” I try to fill my voice with humor, it falls flat. “He didn’t even touch the donuts. I could never be with a guy like that.” As my voice trails off, my jovial mood drops too. I really need to shake this feeling off. Maybe just one more can of Pringles and then I will start adulting again.

“I love you, you big dork,” Luna says as she snuggles in to me, grabbing for where she thinks my arm is. “It’s his loss and I’m sure Bitchy Barbie will get the shits from her detox tea sometime this week because Karma is a true bitch too.”

I nod, giving her a small smile. The thought of Bitchy Barbie running to the bathroom in her stupid heels does make me happy.

“Now, enough about me. How did the job interview go today?”

“Horribly. The VP that I met with had a conversation with my boobs instead of me and did this weird lip licking thing.”

“He was staring at your mosquito bites?”

Luna hits me with a pillow. “Quiet! They can hear you and could retreat further into my body.”

We both burst out laughing. Being small chested has never affected Luna or me. We were both content to be a small A-cup and gloried in the freedom of being able to wear whatever we wanted, sans restrictions. Did I sometimes envy the curves of other woman? Obviously. But while they rocked their curves, I rocked a lean frame and was happy with who I was.

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