Page 71 of Owned By The King

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“Hello beautiful, where do you think you’re going?” someone asked, blocking my path. I lifted my eyes to see a mountain of a man smiling at me. I had no idea where he came from as the streets were empty.

I tried to walk around him but he wouldn’t let me. I now wished I’d carried my gun with me.

“Our for a walk, so get the hell out of my way,” I snapped.

Then, someone pulled something over my head. I felt a sudden pain at the back of my head and everything went dark.

I didn’t know how long I was out. It must have been a good few hours because when I finally came around, it was light outside.

I was restrained on a chair, and Sofia was standing right in front of me. She had the same slutty red dress she’d worn at the party, which meant she hadn’t been home. She must have been waiting to grab me.

She was on a video call to Sebastian and at first, I wasn’t quite sure what was going on until she explained to him that she’d kidnapped me. I’d been brought to some old warehouse in the middle of nowhere and she was planning to cut off my head if I didn’t sign the divorce papers, so she could get married to Sebastian. This woman was clearly unstable and she needed help.

Sebastian looked like shit and I suspected he didn’t get much sleep in the past several hours. He had a black eye, several cuts on his face, and bloodied knuckles. At least though, he was home. I sighed with relief.

Sofia’s four big Russian bodyguards were staring at me now. They must have heard what I said about her working for the feds. This wasn’t even funny anymore, but I had to see how the whole thing was going to unfold.

Sofia’s pupils dilated and she stared at me for a long moment. She was standing very close to me, trying to intimidate me, but I was so ready for this whole thing to be over.

“Sebastian, I think your wife must have hit her head because she’s talking nonsense. I got to where I am today by working hard. No one ever handed me anything,” she explained, her voice rough not sweet anymore.

My phone was on the table near the four bulky Russians who were watching and listening to every word.

“She’s lying, Sebastian. I have seen the pictures and read the emails. Just check my phone, boys, and you will see that I’m not making this shit up. You’re so done, Sofia,” I said, grinning.

Sebastian cursed and then there was movement in the room. The smallest of the men grabbed my phone. The bitch wasn’t quick enough. The best part was seeing the sheer panic on her face. She was fucking caught and she knew it.

“Just calm down, Ms. Anishenko. The girl is probably bluffing but you don’t mind if we check this,” the man said.

Screaming in frustration and rage, Sofia aimed a gun at the man and shot him. Luckily, she missed, the bullet hitting an old poster on the wall behind him. Sebastian was yelling at the camera while the guy holding my phone dove under the table.

Sofia looked around with demonic eyes and in that moment, I hoped someone would come in with a straitjacket to put her in.

“Put that phone down or next time you won’t be so lucky, Boris,” she said, and she didn’t even try to sound sane anymore.

The other three bodyguards who were supposed to be on her side lifted their guns too, and now they were aiming at her. Tension hung in the air.

“Check the first email, Boris. Sofia has truly outplayed everyone. She’s been with the feds for a very long time, doing their dirty bidding, boys. I’m sorry to say it, but you lost, bitch,” I said, unable to help myself.

Then I figured maybe I should have kept my mouth shut, because she still had a gun.

“Don’t fucking listen to her and do what I say or I will skin you alive. Do you understand me?” she shouted, now pointing the gun at her own men, but Boris was scrolling through my phone after I gave him my passcode. She could shoot him if she wanted to, but that would be her death sentence.

Seconds rolled on, and Boris must have finally found the pictures that were attached to the first email because he went slightly pale. He showed the phone screen to the other three and they all started shaking their heads, staring at Sofia in utter disbelief. The middle one said something in Russian that I couldn’t understand and the other one replied.

I just couldn’t stop grinning.

Boris managed to grab Sofia’s phone and put Sebastian back on the screen. There was so much I needed to tell him. I had to apologize. I’d acted without thinking when all this time, he had been loyal to me.

“I can make all of you very rich. Just step on that phone, Boris, and destroy it. Then we’ll kill the girl. No one will know,” Sofia went on, furiously licking her upper lip.

I strained to free my hands, but the rope was strong, bruising my wrists when I moved.

Sofia couldn’t sink any lower. She had just offered them money so they could let her leave, and they were actually thinking about it. They exchanged glances, silently communicating. The awkward silence stretched for a long time and I was getting nervous.

“Sofia, I swear that I’ll destroy you if anything happens to my wife. If you don’t surrender now, then I will send these pictures to everyone in our network because I have access to Marinka’s emails and I’ve just saved copies of everything. You will die a slow and painful death,” Sebastian shouted through the video.

Sofia sported a caged look on her face. She knew it was over for her, so she was trying to save her own skin. She just had to kill them all and run, but where would she go? If Sebastian circulated that info, she was as good as dead. Her family wouldn’t just let her die, either. She’d suffer horrible torture.

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