Page 57 of Owned By The King

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“Sofia has gone too far,”I said through gritted teeth on the phone, while waiting for Marinka.

This wasn’t the best time to discuss the situation but I had been putting this off for far too long. Vlad was dead, and yes, he’d betrayed me all these years ago, but I liked him. Over the past few months, he’d grown on me. Besides, he was making an effort with Marinka and Lilly.

The bomb was meant for him. I thanked God Marinka wasn’t injured and I blamed myself once more for failing to protect her that day.

“It’s a hell of a risk, Sebastian,” my brother said.

I stared at the store’s entrance. Marinka was trying on clothes for her father’s funeral. She wasn’t coping well with the situation. Her memories were wiped out, and her mother was a cold-hearted bitch who didn’t care about anyone other than herself.

“That bitch will pay and we can’t wait any longer. I have a plan. Trust me, Sofia will listen to me. She knows she’s gone too far,” I shot back. This was bullshit, because I had no idea what I was supposed to do next.

I’d pay her a visit. I planned to tell her I was ready to get back together with her if that’s what it took for her to back off. This had to be done before the funeral because Sofia was currently preparing meeting with her new supplier from Argentina. I had to catch her off guard, when she least expected me.

“Whatever you decide to do, I am right behind you, but just don’t do anything stupid. Think about the fact that you have a family now,” Sparky commented, and then I hung up.

Funny how Sparky, my depraved, deranged brother was remindingmeI had a family to protect. Several minutes later, I went back inside the shop, finding Marinka by the cash register.

“Hey, princess, I need to go to the club. Pedro will take you home,” I said. She wasn’t going to be happy about it, but it was time to take care of this problem once and for all.

“All right.”

“Are you sure? You won’t be upset. I know you have not been sleeping well lately—”

“Sebastian, I’m tired and I will go sleep with Lilly. Business is important,” she said, sounding like her normal self, but I wasn’t fooled.

I hadn’t touched her since that fucking bomb went off. She was grieving and I knew I had to give her some time. Our relationship was stronger than ever. Sex was just an added bonus.

“Fine, I will see you in a few hours.” I kissed her forehead and left.

Pedro called another driver. Twenty minutes later, I was being driven to a specific storage facility in a warehouse—a part of the city I’d avoided for many years. The Argentinians were in a league of their own, but the supplied the majority of the best product in these parts. It was risky business, especially for Sofia, but she never seemed to be satisfied, so she took unnecessary risks. The complete opposite of Marcus.

I bet she’d brought an army with her to her meeting, but I was past caring. Just in case, I’d arranged for a few of my men to be close by. I knew for a fact Sofia didn’t want me dead. At least not just yet.

My driver parked the just outside the gate and then I instructed my other guy, Mika, who’d ridden with us, to follow me. Pedro was always the better and safer choice, but he was looking after Marinka. I trusted him with my life and I knew he would keep her safe.

The moon illuminated the area, where a few long-haul trucks were being loaded.

“Stay right there or I’ll fucking shoot you,” a voice rang out as I walked toward the warehouse. I stopped abruptly and gestured to Mika to do the same. Two guys stood several feet away, pointing their guns at us.

“We came here to talk to Sofia. Tell her Sebastian Dimitrei has a gift for her,” I shouted back, keeping my hand above my head in an act of surrender. I had a gun, but they didn’t know that.

There were several other guys scattered around and probably a few snipers, too, but at this point, none of this mattered. I was here to give her what she wanted—a promise that I would give us another shot. Hopefully, then she’d back off.

One of the men vanished for a while. My patience was wearing thin, but I had no doubt Sofia wouldn’t miss an opportunity to see me. I hoped Marinka was right and Sofia wanted me by her side, because then I could use it as a bargaining chip, before striking back.

“Come with me, but the other guy stays here,” the man said, appearing out of nowhere.

I turned around, pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. I didn’t smoke much but I felt like I needed it before I faced the bitch.

“He’s coming with me. I can assure you he will be well-behaved.”

The guy who pointed a gun at me was tall and broad. He had tattoos all over his face and spoke with an accent. I pegged him for Argentinian.

“Fine, just hurry the fuck up,” he snapped, and we followed him, maneuvering between the trucks. The place teemed with armed men and guard dogs. We walked inside the warehouse, passing a group of other Argentineans smoking outside, their faces stern. I threw the cigarette out before crossing the threshold.

We crossed a large open space, then walked up a flight of stairs to a loft area.

“Here, you go in and the other guy stays outside,” the tattoo guy barked, spitting on the floor.

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