Page 109 of The Edge of Falling

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"Okay"—he shrugged—"cheaper for us." He laughed as we made our way toward the bar. "So this place is absolutely packed."

"I know. All these teens. They make me feel like an old man."

"Well, I don't think they're teens, dude." Foster shook his head. "You have to be twenty-one to get into this club."

"You know what I mean. College students. Unprofessionals."

Foster laughed. "Dude, you sound like our dads."

"I know. I'm an old man now, huh? Well, I'm an attorney, and you are a broker. I figure we're past our prime."

"Hey, speak for yourself," Foster said as he ordered two beers for us.

"So have you heard anything from Amelia?" I asked him curiously.

"No, though I'm sure she's going to show up soon if I know her."

"Tell me about it," I groaned.

"Oh, what's going on with you?"

"I got a couple of messages from Diana." I shook my head. "She can't seem to accept that it's over."

"I mean, is it really over?" Foster said, hitting me in the shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, wasn't she like your friends with benefits? Why stop the benefits?"

"Because I don't want benefits with her anymore," I said quickly, hoping he didn't ask.

"Why not?"

I didn't want to have to lie to his face and say it was because I was now fucking his sister. I knew that wouldn't go down well. "I mean, she was kind of hot. She was hot, but you know, her personality wasn't all that."

"Yeah. Just like Amelia. What is it with these women?"

"I don't know. Maybe we got to find us some women who don't have drama."

"Like who?" Foster said. "I wish they existed."

"Too true."

"I mean, look at Alice and Rosalie," Foster said, and I could hear my heart thudding. Oh fuck. He wasn't going to bring Rosalie up.

"What about them?" I said.

"I mean, Rosalie's my sister and Alice is her best friend and I love them both, but they are like drama queens of the world."

"They're not that bad," I said.

"Yeah, I know. They're good people." He handed me my beer, and we both chugged. "I guess we should get back onto the dance floor before they get themselves into trouble."

"Sounds good," I said. We walked back to the dance floor where we'd been before, but the girls were no longer there.

"Oh fuck. Where are they?" Foster said, looking around.

I looked around as well. And that's when I saw them in cages high up in the air. "Oh shit. Foster, look."

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