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“You want to put her in an institution?” my father scoffs, and I glare.

“Yes, why is that so funny?” I snarl, and he shakes his head, then walks over to his home office and opens his bottom drawer, pulling out the scotch. I follow him, leaving Nicole with my mother.

“I find it funny you want to put your girlfriend’s sister away, when we both know that you should be the one locked up.” I scoff, and he laughs again.

“Wow, Father, way to call the kettle black.” I take a seat on the leather loveseat and ignore his ranting and raving.

“Are you listening to me?” he roars, and I just miss the glass shattering by my head. I jump to my feet, moving closer to him.

“You have no foot to stand on here! I own you. Don’t forget it!” I growl and watch as his face gets redder and redder.

“Keep it up and I’ll make you fucking regret it, Rexley,” he snarls, and I start to laugh.

“Funny, old man. You know I have you by the balls, so don’t fuck with me.” The bottle of scotch shatters as he chucks it at the wall, just missing my head once again. His nostrils flare, and he looks on the verge of attacking me.

Someone knocks on the door, and I watch as he goes from an irate sociopath to a well respected mayor. I don’t know why he bothers. The staff here know his true colors. I don’t know how many nights the maids had to patch me up after one of my father’s lessons went a little too far.

“Sir, Mr. Andrews is here for dinner with his family,” the butler tells us, and my father gives me an evil smirk.

“Thank you, we will be along shortly,” he replies then fixes his tie, looking in the mirror on his wall, checking his appearance.

“I’ll make you a deal, Rexley. Put the girl in her room and join us for dinner. You make nice with Andrews’ slut’s brat, and I will get her into the best institution I can. If you don’t, if you ruin this for me, not only will I tell Cat what you did, I will slit her throat as you watch, tied to a chair.”

He shoves me aside, and I fight not to hit him. I may have dirt on him, but he now knows my weakness, and he has no problem using it against me. I think it’s time dear old daddy disappeared, but first I have a dinner to attend.

* * *

“My dad saidI have to be nice to you,” Lena says quietly as we hide from the adults. I give her a smirk and roll my eyes.

“How good of an actress are you?” She looks at me with a smile, and I know we are on the same page. Should have never threatened my girl,Dad!

“Let’s play.”




Ican’t think! The nonstop wailing from that brat is driving me insane. Not only do I have to listen to his constant squalling, but Cat isn’t holding up her end of the deal. I never should have let her convince me. I stomp up the stairs and slam into the makeshift nursery Cat has made.

I refused to let that spawn touch a thing of my princess’. She has him cradled to her chest in the shower, the whole room is full of steam. She looks up at me as I enter, and I smile.

Now that’s what I’m talking about. A naked kitty, just for me.

“He’s starting to calm down. Would you like to hold him?” she asks me, but I back away. No, I do not want to hold him. The only baby I ever want to hold is my princess. She frowns and shakes her head. “Rexley, he is your son. A piece of you and me. Please,” she begs, but I turn away and go sit on the bed. I’ll wait until she puts the brat to sleep, then we are having a little chat.

It’s not long until she changes into a tank top and shorts, then climbs on the bed beside me. Her breasts are falling out of her top, and she follows my gaze, blushing. “All my tops are too tight,” she mutters before hopping up and grabbing a robe.

“How are you? Is that okay to ask? I hardly see you anymore, which I guess makes sense.” I turn to face her, and she flinches when I move a piece of her hair behind her ear. I sigh and move a couple feet away from her.

“Why do you care? You’re just trying to trick me again,” I grumble, and she sniffles.

“Sorry. It’s the hormones,” she says with a sad laugh. I glance at her and really look into the eyes that once were my world. Eyes once full of innocence and mischief, now seem blank. She looks as if she hasn’t slept in weeks, too. A pang of guilt hits me over not helping her with my kid.

Fuck, why can’t I just accept this? Why is my mind such a mess? Why am I treating her this way, and why did I marry her sister?

“Rexley? Are you okay? You’re mumbling something, but I can’t understand it?” Cat moves closer to me and touches my thigh. My body stills, and my dick hardens. Whimpering comes from the laundry basket next to the bed, and Cat sighs. She moves off the bed and picks up the baby. He stills in her arms, and she presses a soft kiss to his head.
