Page 28 of Captured

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“We’re not. We are going to go under them.” I am about to ask what he means by under, when we reach a fence that is only a car length wide. A soldier comes towards the door and jumps when Albert winds down the window, revealing that it’s him.

“Hello sir, what a privilege it is to see you,” The man flattens down his brown hair, clearly flustered.

“Open the gate, will you?” Albert demands. His agitation is obvious, but the man is simply too happy by this interaction to notice.

“Sorry sir, you know that I can’t do that.” He stutters, “when I was assigned this job, I was told that this was only for emergencies and for the use of Black Opps. I am truly sorry, sir.” He looks down at his shoes. I almost feel sorry for the guy. He is in the presence of the person he has probably idolised for years, and he can’t even do what Albert wants him to do.

“THIS IS AN EMERGENCY, BRADLY!” He shouts, his patience snapping quicker than a twig.

“You know my name?” The man named Bradly cheers. “You know my name!”

“Yes, now open the door, Bradly,” Albert quietens down and asks almost politely. The man shakes his head and I decide that I need to step in and do something.

“Bradly,” I start, and he looks at me with a puzzled expression, “I am-”

“Emerson Clark. We all know who you are,” he intrudes. “What are you two doing together? This is, if you don’t mind me saying, quite unusual indeed.”

“You see Bradly,” I ignore his last question, “the thing is, we really need to get through this gate. His SON,” I point to Albert, “and his son’s good friend has just been kidnapped and you are telling us that that is not an emergency? Do you have a family? What would you do for them? If they went missing, would you consider that an emergency; if so, open this damn gate right now.”

Speechless, the man walks over to a control desk, clicks a few buttons and the gate opens. He tips his hat, “Good day sir.”

“I’m not doing this for you.” I tell Albert before he has the chance to say anything. “I’m doing this because I owe it to Jasper. I don’t know what your motives are, because you seem intent on showing Jasper how little you love him.”

“What do you mean?” Albert looks personally offended, “He is my son, of course I love him.”

“Maybe you should find a way to show him then, because he doesn’t know that.” I retort aggressively. I know Jasper just well enough now to realise that he will try to avoid conflict at all costs. He wouldn’t want to confront his dad about it, because he wouldn’t want to feel weak and start an argument unnecessarily. But someone has to do it for him.

Albert purses his lips and doesn’t respond as the ground inside the fence opens up and he drives the car into the tunnel to save the son that he supposedly loves.

Chapter 14 - Jasper Cunningham

Am I dead? I wonder to myself as I look around at the darkness surrounding me. No, I can’t be dead. The throbbing pain in my head is too extreme for me to be dead.

I try and get my hands to look around for Tyler, but they are tied behind my back with a thick chain. My hands grip around the chain as best as they can and I follow it along, scooting my way till I bump into a lump on the ground. I take a wild guess by assuming the only other person trapped here would be Tyler. I shake what I think is hopefully Tyler’s shoulder and whisper his name.

When he doesn’t move, I start to panic and call his name louder, “Tyler, wake up!” My voice, however, seemingly has no effect and echoes into the void of the room.

This is definitely not how I pictured my Sunday going.

I wish I could believe that Tyler and I were just being put under some new training course. I wish I could believe it was all a big joke and soon one of my dad’s advisors will come into the room and get us out and tell us that we didn’t do a good enough job and we could’ve been killed.

Dad has made me do courses like that before in case something ever happened to me. Something like whatever is happening to Tyler and me right now. Whatever is going on, I know it has nothing to do with my dad. Or rather, it has everything to do with him. I shiver as I remember the lady’s last words before she knocked me unconscious.

This lady has some beef with my dad and for some dumb reason thinks that kidnapping me is going to hurt him too. Clearly, she doesn’t know him as well as she thinks.

“Hello? Is anyone here?” I call as if I really expect someone to answer me. I think the knock to my head has made me lose a few brains cells because I know that no one is going to-

“Yeah,” a voice answers as if they never expected that someone would actually be dumb enough to say hello in what seems to be an obviously empty room. They’re right of course. The voice is coming from the other end of the room. It is a male; his voice is deep and soft. I would guess that he is probably a few years older than me.

“Oh my gosh, Mason! You have no idea who they are. Who knows if we can even trust them?” sounds the voice of a young lady. Her voice seems to float across the room and envelop me in a gentle cloud.

“Good one Blondie, you just revealed to whoever is over there one of our names.” Another male calls his voice dripping in sarcastic anger.

“Dude, back off.” A fourth voice says calmly.

“Don’t get all defensive just because she’s-”

“Just shut up, Hayden. Your arguing isn’t going to get us out of here, and it isn’t going to get Emerson back.” The girl cuts in. At the mention of Emerson’s name, I perk up immediately. Are these guys Emerson’s friends?

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