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“Actually, I was going to mention it to you later today,” she said. “I was hoping to talk to him first. I think I do need to take some time off.”

“It’s no problem. Whatever you need. You’re one of the best editors I’ve got. I don’t want to lose y…uh, we don’t want to lose you. All of us I mean, here at the firm.”

Lose her? Ally had no intentions of leaving Blume Brothers Publishing. She’d worked too hard to make senior editor by cultivating a stable of wonderful authors who appreciated her straightforward approach. Why would she leave? She loved her job.

“Thanks. I appreciate it. I’ve got some loyal clients, and I do have some things in the works, so I’ll take my laptop with me. It’ll be a working vacation.”

“Do you know how long you’ll need to be gone?”

Did she detect a note of sadness in his voice? Or disappointment, maybe? Nah, she was rattled after her crazy conversation with the rude ranch hand. And Daniel was being wishy-washy—nothing new these days.

“I really don’t know how long this will take. Like I said, I’ll have my laptop, so you can email if you need anything. I’ll also have my cell, but last time the reception wasn’t good in the country, so that’s iffy at best.”

“When do you have to leave?”

“I’m going to see if Sandy can get me a flight out this afternoon.” The sweet blonde that sat outside her office door was more than just her personal secretary; she’d also become a good friend over the years.


She lifted an eyebrow. “Is there a problem?”

“Oh, no. I was hoping maybe I could take you to dinner before you go, but it’s okay.”

What the heck?Why did he want to take her to dinner?Could be about work, I suppose.

“I’m sorry, but I really need to get back home as soon as I can. Did you need me to handle something before I leave?”

“Nothing work related. I, uh…wanted to spend some time with you. You know, like we talked about before?”

Ally pressed her palm to her forehead.Oh, good Lord. Why is this happening to me?“We’ve talked about this several times, Daniel. I’m not ready to date anybody right now. I’m flattered, really. But I need to focus on my dad. Anything else would only be a distraction.”

At least she had been honest. She wasn’t ready for another relationship—not after the last disaster. And dating the boss? Was that really a smart thing to do anyway? Yes, he was handsome—dirty blond hair, gorgeous blue eyes, fairly tall, and mostly sweet. Unfortunately, he didn’t do it for her. Didn’t give her those deep lustful feelings—not like the sexy voice from the ranch.

Knock it off, woman. The guy was a jerk. You don’t need a man like him, either.

“Well, I guess I’ll let you get back to work. Have a safe trip and check in with me, okay?” Her boss looked like a lost puppy dog, being shooed away but afraid to leave.

Ally’s stomach churned with disgust. Getting up from her chair, she followed him to the door. “Thanks, Daniel. Email me if you need anything. I’ll check in, in a couple days.”

She clutched the handle, ready to shut it behind him, hoping he’d take the hint and actually go through the doorway. To seal the deal, she called out to her secretary. “Sandy, can you come into my office for a minute?”

“Sure, Ms. Kincaid.” She walked in and sat in the guest seat in front of the desk.

Ally closed the door after Daniel, slumped into her leather chair, and closed her eyes briefly.

“Ally, is there something I can do for you?” Her secretary paused. “Tell me he’s not pursuing you again.”

“How do you always know what’s going on with me before I tell you?”

Her friend laughed and shrugged. “I’m good.”

Ally definitely needed Sandy’s bit of sanity right now.

“We’re friends, hon. I spend more time with you than I do my husband. I think I know you better than I know myself most days. All right, spill. What happened in here with Daniel?”

Ally took in a deep breath and sighed. “He must have been walking by my office, or stalking me. Anyway, he heard me finishing a phone call and walked in. I was trying to reach my dad. He left me a strange voicemail last night, but when I called, he wasn’t there. I feel the need to go see him. It was something in his voice, I guess. Besides, it’s been two years since Mamma passed away. I haven’t been back since the funeral.”

“So, where does the big boss man fit into that scenario, besides nowhere?”

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