Page 5 of Make Me Love You

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She shouldn’t be crying. That guy wasn’t worth the fucking time. He definitely didn’t deserve the sweet woman.

I see Marissa starting to walk towards the table and head her off. “Hey, I’ll get this one.”

She smirks at me. “Don’t fuck with her, man. She’s a nice lady. We both know what you are.”

“Yeah, your boss,” I snarl, then stalk across the room until I’m standing at her table. She doesn’t even look up when I’m standing in front of her.

I clear my throat and she finally looks up and I get my first close look at her. Big, bright, ice-blue eyes surrounded by dark lashes. A pretty little pert nose and full, pouty lips shimmering with pink lipgloss. And little freckles kissing her cheeks and nose.

And tears. She’s seconds from crying and if there’s one thing that will send me over the edge it’s a crying woman.

I sit down in the seat across from her, grinning wickedly when she gasps and glares at me. “Excuse me, but that seat’s taken. My date is in the bathroom.”

“Are you sure?” I ask. “Because if he’s really still in the bathroom, he must be having some serious tummy issues tonight.”

Her lips fall open and I immediately want to kiss them. Desperately. I can feel my dick twitch in my jeans. Straining to get closer to the gorgeous woman. Her sweater is all the way up to her neck, not even a speck of cleavage visible but I can see the full shape of her big breasts under the sweater. The silvery color makes her eyes lighter and more mysterious.

“That’s really rude, you know.” Her lips tighten and she glares at me, eyes narrowed, huffing out a breath which makes her chest lift and almost gives me a heart attack.

“Damn, you’ve got a lot going for you.” My eyes are locked on her chest and she mutters under her breath, so softly I can’t hear it. “Don’t know why he would have left you.”

She shoots me a sassy look. “I don’t think he did.”

I stand. “Hang on a minute and I’ll find out for you.” I stalk back to the men’s room. All the stalls are empty and there’s no one at the urinals. No one at the sinks. The place is empty and a smug smile quirks my lips.

I leave and go back to her, sitting down again, ignoring her glare. “He’s gone, baby girl. I’m guessing he snuck out the back.”

“Why would he do that?”

I shrug. “Don’t know. Don’t care. You shouldn’t either.”

“That’s a nice attitude. Do you honestly not care about anything?”

“Not much. My name’s Rafe by the way.”

She goes to stand, gathering up her purse. “I can’t say I’m pleased to meet you, Rafe, but I will say I’m sorry to hear that you don’t care about anything. You seem fairly nice. But I’m pretty sure that makes you a psychopath. Anyway, I’ve got to go and kick my cousin’s ass.”

“She’s the one that set you up? Why do you need a fix-up anyway? You’ve got a lot going for you. He didn’t seem that special. Why did you let someone talk you into a blind date?” I settle back into the seat, spreading my legs out and resting my back gently on the black leather booth seats.

She eyes me and I wait expectantly, happily. I can tell she’s about to say something sassy and it beats me why I like it so much but I do!

“I can’t tell you how happy I am that you think I have a lot going for me. That really makes me tingly all over. But my reasoning for anything that I do is really none of your damn business, buddy!” She starts to stand and I stand up quickly, blocking her from leaving and moving to the other side of the bench. She backs away from me, eyeing me nervously.

“Excuse me. What the hell do you think you’re doing? I’m trying to leave.”

“And I’m trying to stop you.” The tears I know I saw in her eyes are gone now. Her icy blue eyes sparkle with anger. Her pale cheeks are flushed rosy-red. Her jaw is clenched so hard it looks like she’s fixing to break a tooth.

She settles back in the seat, arms crossed over her chest. “Is this what you normally do? Hold women prisoner so they have to buy more drinks.”

I shrug my shoulder. “I don’t care if you buy a drink or not. I just want to talk to you.”

“Why? You don’t look like you’re hurting for companionship. I saw several women in here looking at you like you were a steak and they were starving. You don’t need me.”

“I didn’t say I needed you. I just want to talk. You interest me. What’s your name? You don’t look like my usual clientele. I feel bad that your date ditched you.”

Her narrow shoulders slump. “My name is Jamie. And it’s okay. He was just another failure.”

“Failure. You don’t look like a girl who has a lot of failures.” My eyes roam over her stiff little figure. “You look like a woman who knows what she wants and who she wants it with.”

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