Page 31 of Spirit Of Christmas

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“What’s the Good Stuff?” I asked, slouching against him.

“Something Santa added to the sleigh in case he carried anyone in the back and they freaked out. Mostly elves, as they hate heights. It calms them and puts them into a kind of high.” He tapped my nose. “A side effect is that it brings out someone’s desires. Recently, an elf traveling with Santa ended up leaping off the sleigh midflight, as he’d always wanted to fly, so now Santa wants the feature removed.”

“Well, no one told that to the mechanic of this sleigh.” I giggled and glanced over in Jax’s direction, eliciting a laugh from Leven, who collected me into his arms.

I straddled Leven’s lap and lifted myself up onto my calves, both of us facing each other. At this height, I could also easily see over the sides of the carriage and I scanned the landscape for anything that might resemble a blimp in the white. Something to help spot Krampus. My head told me this was my chance to focus and find my sister, yet I couldn’t stop the fuzziness in my brain, especially when Leven cupped my ass. I chewed on my cheek, loving how large his palms felt.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts, and started to climb off Leven, but he held me in place. “Where are you going?”

“I want to get closer to the edge so I can search for Krampus.”

Leven embraced me and stood, my bent legs hugging his hips. Then he walked us over to the side of the seat.

“Thanks,” I said, then kissed his cheek, but he turned his head at the same time and our mouths clashed. He didn’t waste a moment and kissed me again as he’d done near the distillery, his hand moving to the back of my head, locking me in place. I floated on clouds, his mouth devouring mine, his tongue finding mine in a tangled match. I’d never wanted someone as much as I desired these men.

“You’re so beautiful,” he mumbled.

“Why do you taste like candy canes and Jax tastes like hot chocolate?” I giggled, unable to stop.

“All beings under Santa’s magic carry different flavors. It’s like the scent, and it’s everywhere!” Leven nodded and glanced down between us and back with a knowing look.

“Even down there?” I teased, blushing like mad.

His breath hitched and he shifted beneath me as I sat on his lap, positioning his growing hardness between the apex of my thighs.

Despite us flying over the snowy Austrian Alps, I was burning up from my head to toes and everywhere in between. What was I doing? Despite my speeding breaths, I leaned over the edge of the sleigh, letting the cooler air splash against my cheeks. Maybe it would help clear my thoughts.

A white blanket lay across the woodland, and we flew much lower for an easier look. Tatum careened to the left, and Leven’s hold tightened around my hips as we swayed with the movement.

So where exactly would Krampus hide Britta, Santa, and all those elite guards? A cave? Though below were only trees. It was as if they’d vanished into thin air, which got me thinking.

“Can Krampus use an invisibility cloak?” I asked, and Leven shook his head. Okay, that theory was out the window.

Up ahead, Jax was scanning the grounds as well, but when Leven’s fingers inched under my coat and layers of clothes, finding my lower back, a kindling of excitement awakened in the pit of my stomach.

“I know we’re being affected by the Good Stuff,” he began, “but I’ve wanted you since I first saw you fighting back against Krampus.”

I swallowed the thickness in my mouth. What was I meant to say to a handsome man admitting he desired me, and not just because we were sprayed by some glitter enchanting potion?

“You’re making me blush. And I’ve never kissed two guys on the same day before.” I slapped a hand over my mouth at what I’d blurted out. “I shouldn’t have said that last part, but I’m so attracted to all three of you and can’t stop picturing you all naked. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I need to shut up.” Slumping down on Leven’s lap, I asked, “Does that glitter bomb have a truth serum in it?”

“A smidgen,” Jax interjected from the front, and glancing over his shoulder, smiling widely. “I could do with more of your lips, and my lap is getting cold.”

“Why would you add truth serum to a calming spritz?” I asked, purposely ignoring Jax’s invitation. It was clear the two men didn’t seem to mind if I was with both.

“Something Santa requested. When he thinks anyone is lying to him, he would take them on the ride and get them to open up. No torture required.” He chuckled and steered Tatum to the left, heading for the mountains, then returned to staring at the scenery, and I followed suit. I supposed even Santa got paranoid.

I searched across the forest, topped in snow. With its density, all the white made it impossible to see the ground. A cluster of birds exploded out of a tree we traveled over, fluttering around us, and I pulled my head back inside the compartment. The landscape seemed isolated and barren. Maybe the whole aerial search wasn’t going to work.

When Leven removed his gloves and his hand slipped under my clothes and across my back, I curved back around to face him.

He stared at me with hunger in his eyes. Was that really him feeling these emotions, or was the glitter influencing him? But the kiss back at the distillery had been real and deliciously wonderful. While still straddling his lap, I cupped one side of his face, the light stubble tickling my palm.

“I can see you fighting your desire,” he said, leaning his head into my hand before kissing my fingers.

“And shouldn’t I be?”

He shook his head. “My dad used to say if there’s anything I want, I’ll have to do things I’ve never done before to get it.”

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