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Chapter 9

Iscreamed and yanked the reins, and the horses ground to a halt. My heart lodged in my throat and refused to settle back down.

Laughter echoed through the clearing, and Blade reappeared. “Merfolk,” he said, shaking his head as he leaped onto the carriage with ease.

The assassin nuzzled up next to me, taking a few extra wiggles of his behind to get comfortable, given Nemo’s hulking frame consumed most of the room on the seat. The mersoldier grunted as Blade put the reins in my hand and held on to my wrists.

“Pull like this to make them back up.”

The assassin demonstrated, and the horses responded by clomping backward.

Wow. That was too easy. Heat flushed to my cheeks and neck. Sea god. When would I stop making a fool of myself in front of hot males?They must think me a fool.

Some shifters standing around drinking rum moved out of the way of the cart. Most of them still stuck around to stretch their bodies after being cramped in the tiny cells with four other shifters.

“If you want to turn in a certain direction,” said Blade, tickling my wrist with a finger and making Nemo tighten beside me, “just pull the corresponding rein in that direction.”

He tugged the right strap, and the horses jerked the wagon forward and toward the right.

Amazing, and so easy!

“You know, you can whip me with the reins any time,” Blade teased.

Kinky. Definitely not my style. Not that I had one. My sea pearl hadn’t been deflowered yet. But when it was, I was sure that whipping someone with leather wouldn’t be my thing. I bet my friend Gellian would have been up for it though.Maybe I should invite Blade to the kingdom one day and introduce them.

“That’s enough.” Nemo stood up, glaring at Blade like an enraged walrus.

“Okay, big fella.” Blade climbed down. “Don’t want to cut in on your territory. Adios.” He went to the back of the wagon and gave Gill his leather water pouch.

“Thanks, buddy.” Gill clapped Blade on the shoulder. “Owe you again.”

“I’ll remember that, don’t you worry.” Blade pinched the pouch of a caped crusader stalking past and tossed it at Nemo.

The hunky assassin saluted me and then wandered away once more.

Gill and Fin chuckled from the back.

I swear I went even redder. This crush thing was getting a little awkward. Nemo was sweet and all, fun-loving and flipping gorgeous. The kind of guy I’d love to date. But my father would never allow it. Not with someone far below my rank. If my father were in his right mind, he’d never have agreed to a marriage with Faraall. Guilt weaved through my chest. Was I leading Nemo on? Maybe I shouldn’t be so friendly and encourage his affections. But something inside me wanted to do just that. I loved the way he made me feel. All protected and cared for. His attention made my insides dance around like an elegant seahorse.

I glanced at Nemo. “Where do I go?”

He pointed into the sky. “Follow that star. It will guide us back to the sea.”

Why didn’t I think about that before? When we breached the surface, we used the stars for navigation.

Before I set off, I examined all the mermen. Fin and Gill had turned a shade of gray. Dark circles clung to their eyes. Sweat pasted their skin. They wouldn’t last much longer. Beside me, Nemo fared a little better, but his skin was developing that sick-looking hue. I estimated they would start to throw up in a few hours. Then the cramps would become so painful, they wouldn’t be able to move.

Follow the star.The words kept banging in my head. Our survival depended on this. I had no doubt I could get the mermen back to the ocean. But then what? When we arrived back at the palace, I’d love to report the kidnappings to my father so he could stop the collector. Except Triton was still under Faraall’s control. Until I stole the pearl and gave it to the sea witch, freedom would not be granted to my father. That task would prove no easy feat when Faraall was practically glued to my father’s hip. The moment I put a fin in the palace, I would be apprehended. I couldn’t let that happen. I wasnotgoing to be returned to the pirates.

“Let’s get home,” Nemo cheered, slamming his palm on the side of the cart. “I’m dying for a crab.”

But I couldn’t move. The pressure of everything weighed too heavily on me. That sandy feeling in my gut returned. What if I went in the wrong direction? What if it took longer than a day? If horses were anything like the dolphins that drew my father’s chariot, then they’d tire out. That meant we’d probably have to camp out. Our cart was packed with some supplies—namely rum and some dried foods. That should tide us over for a night.

Get a grip, Nyssa. You can do this.

I copied the actions Blade had shown me, and the horses slowly pulled away from the destroyed camp. But they drifted toward the tree up ahead.Remind me why I decided to drive again?

My pulse pounded in my ear. “Flipping hell. Why are they walking into objects?”

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