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The air was thick with anticipation. Everyone crowded in the throne room for a big announcement. Nemo squeezed my hand, and I smiled at him. Gill twitched beside me. He wasn’t used to the pomp and ceremony of court. All eyes were on us as we stood atop the podium for my father’s speech. Fin stood tall, proud, and incredibly handsome to Nemo’s left. Fin gave me a wink, and I returned the action.

To my right, Nimian was fuming, her arms crossed, her lips and forehead tight. When Father had presented my mermen to her, she’d whined throughout the whole dinner about not being able to have her own harem.

“Hush, child. Go find your own mermen, then,” our father had told her, and things had been tense ever since.

The rest of my family crowded beside her. Aquina with her snooty nose in the air. Lativa, my youngest sister, clung to her beau, the two of them hanging on each other like mating octopuses.

All eyes were on my family and my mermen. No doubt, the assembled crowd wondered what the king prepared to unveil to his court. The noble merwomen were dressed in their finest silk corsets, their hair and makeup impeccable. Although many of them were the epitomes of beauty, my mermen didn’t even notice them, their eyes belonging to me alone. Not that I would have minded them sneaking glances. They were mermen, after all. But it made me that much more confident in their bonds with me.

To think I’d been here a few moon cycles earlier when my father had ordered me to marry Faraall. It seemed like a distant memory now. But the horror of it still haunted me. Every night, he came in my dreams to collect me. Nemo had insisted on staying by my side. My father had disapproved of the idea of a male staying in my quarters and feared any gossip escaping the palace, so he’d appointed my mermen as my personal guards. A very high honor in the kingdom. Each night, they would rotate, one remaining at my door, while the other two snuck in to stay with me. Whenever I awoke from my nightmares, they were always there to comfort me and stroke my hair until I fell back asleep. Having them there was the greatest comfort.

Music blared as the king sailed into the room. Everyone pressed a fist across their chests and bowed to him.

“Thank you all for coming on this momentous occasion.” My father’s voice boomed in my mind as he sat atop his throne. “Please, sit.”

The nobles all took their places in the pews below the throne.

“I called you all here today,” my father said, “to recognize the bravery and courage of four individuals in a matter concerning the safety and prosperity of the realm.”

My stomach twirled with pride. Were my mermen to be rewarded for their valor in protecting me and saving their king? If so, my father had not said a word, the rascal! I hoped this was the case. They were Tritonian heroes and deserved recognition and thanks from the kingdom.

My father nodded at Fin. He’d really taken a liking to him. They talked for long periods of time in my father’s library. Already, Fin had started attending dinners with us every week.

In the corner of my eye, Fin bobbed in the water, and when I glanced at him, a grin illuminated his features. Did he know what was about to be declared?

Sea god, he was handsome. All shaved for once. Dressed in his finest sash. They’d all gone to extreme efforts for the ceremony…and to impress my father. Gill had put on this delicious aftershave that smelled like merspice, and Nemo had styled his hair with sea slug gel.

My father adored Nemo’s humor, and family dinners were a lot livelier with him there.

As expected, my father took longer to warm to Gill, primarily because the stubborn merman didn’t make an effort with the king. Their relationship would take time to grow, but already I’d seen huge improvements.

My father gestured with his hand, and one of the servants flittered forward carrying a plate with four medals.

Nemo squeezed my hand tighter. He’d always dreamed of receiving a medal from the king. I hoped for his sake that his dream was about to come true.

My father accepted the medal tray. “The kingdom was shocked to the core by the betrayal of the merarmy’s commander.”

Everybody in the crowd nodded their agreement.

“Despite these dark times, a light has emerged in the kingdom,” my father said, his gaze flying to my mermen. “Today, it is my intention to recognize the four heroes who saved the merkingdom from that darkness.”

My stomach flipped again.

All eyes landed on my mermen and me. Many had heard the rumors of our fight with Faraall. To my surprise, many had reached out to me, sending me clam mail with their thanks for what we’d done or expressing their regret for my ordeal. I hadn’t expected the outpour of affection.

My father descended from his throne and floated in front of Fin. “I present this medal in honor of your contribution to Tritonia. On behalf of the merfolk, I thank you, Fin.”

The crowd erupted as my father secured the medal to Fin’s sash.

My heart melted at Fin’s proud smile.

“And,” my father said, “it is also my great honor to appoint you the new defender of the realm. Everybody, please welcome the new merarmy commander.”

Some of the mermaids held hands to their mouths and glanced at one another. Others smiled with raised eyebrows as if they’d set their sights on Fin. The only female in the room who wasn’t excited was Nimian—she pouted and sneered.

The rest of the nobles applauded and nodded. Even Fin’s father, who my father had forced to sit in the front row, begrudgingly clapped for his son.

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