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His comment drew a smile from my father’s stern countenance. I could tell he warmed to Nemo. “You saved my daughter?”

Nemo glanced at me, his eyes radiating that same love my father spoke of. “I’d die for her.”

My father nodded and moved on to Gill. “A troubled boy with a dubious past.” To this, Gill nodded. “Did the merarmy straighten you out?”

Shellfish. Gill was still just as headstrong, stubborn, and reckless as he’d always been. A lot like I was.

“No,” Gill said. “She did.”

His reply shocked me even more than my father’s change of heart. I wasn’t the only one staring at him. Nemo and Fin gazed at Gill, too, surprise written in their expressions.

“Mmm.” This time, my father gave no indication of his feelings.

He was harder to read than a blowfish, and I wasn’t confident he’d warmed to Gill as he had to Nemo.

Lastly, my father arrived in front of Fin.

My stomach cramped with nerves.

“I never heard the end of you disappointing your family by joining my army. To this day, I still get your father’s sneers.” He clapped a hand on Fin’s shoulder and smiled like a dolphin cruising the waves on the bow of a ship. “Oh, you’re as resolved, unwavering, and spirited as my daughter.”

I held back a smile. A pat from my father was always a good sign.

“I can see why she adores you three.” My father held his head high. He pointed to Nemo. “Your steadfast determination and hope.” His gaze flew to Gill. “I’ve not seen your recklessness and stubbornness matched in anyone but my Nyssa.”

“What?” I said, choking on the word.

My father didn’t even look at me. “I know about your trips to the bars and the parties you’ve attended.”

“Oh, Princess, you didn’t,” Nemo teased.

I nudged him with my hip, signaling for him to be quiet. Now was not the time to stir my father up when things looked somewhat positive.

My father smiled at Fin. “My daughter has always followed her heart.”

Sea god. How had my father assessed so much from a short interaction with my mermen? When he couldn’t read Faraall’s wickedness right in front of his nose?

“That’s why she’d make a terrible queen.”

My father laughed at Fin’s comment.

Good. I didn’t want that responsibility. Ever.

My father’s expression fell serious again. “Well, I know there’s no hope of changing her mind. There’s nothing for me to do but honor her wishes. But”—he held up a finger—“at this point, I’m not open to marriage between you all. Nor may I ever be.”

Fin bowed. “We were not asking for your daughter’s hand, my king. Just the chance to serve her, cherish her, honor her.”

Nemo opened his mouth as if he were about to argue that point, but Gill slapped a hand over his lips.

They wanted to serve and cherish me? Poseidon, I truly was the luckiest mermaid. My heart blossomed like the coral blooms. I’d never wanted anyone to fuss over me. Call it my stubborn independence. But when the words were cast from his mouth, I longed for my merman to do so. To treat me like a princess. Because now, I was ready for it with open arms and heart.

My father’s expression softened as if he had not expected this news. He wrapped his arms over Fin’s and Nemo’s shoulders.

“Treat her well,” he said. “Or I will have you executed.” The last part he said while staring at Gill.

With that, he smiled and left.

We all laughed at my father’s joke. Although, I had no doubt there was an element of truth in there.

Nemo smothered me with both his arms and laid a big kiss on my lips. I melted into him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I gave him a quick hug, then moved into Fin’s embrace. He squeezed me tightly, and I clung to him, my body fitting perfectly against his. Gill was lucky last. Smiling like the cocky bugger he was, he gave my behind a cheeky squeeze. I let him enfold me in his embrace, and I got lost in his hold.

For the moment, everything was perfect. My father was free, the merkingdom saved. I would have the chance to pursue my relationship with my three mermen. What more could I ask for?

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